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  陈开祥,笔名智弘,1945 年出生,安徽省凤台县人,中国时代楷模、中国当代艺术名家、中国人民艺术家,中华人民共和国国礼艺术名家书画国宾礼、2021 年度艺术创作功勋人物、安徽省美术家协会会员、上海有缘得吉文化传播有限公司书画艺术总监、中国诗书画研究会海外分会名家顾问、中央党校书画艺术研究院副院长、中华清风书画院副院长、中国十大实力派艺术家、翰墨中华网签约画家、翔宇书画网艺术顾问、河北海内外名人名企交流这会艺术顾问、海峡两岸和平使者。中华慈善爱心贡献艺术家,专职研究创作书画艺术家,陈开祥 2003 年进修于天津美院,受教于孙其峰、霍春阳、吕云所老师并亲传。2006 年进修北京画院高研班、王培东导师工作室。个人荣誉:2002 年获全国老骥伏枥志在奥运书画大展金奖,同年获国际科技博览会书画金奖,获曙光杯中国诗书画大展一等奖;2003 年获中国当代文人书画大展金奖,同年获纪念毛泽东向雷锋同志学习发表四十周年全国书画大展铜奖;2005 年获“历史的握手”隆重纪念国共两党关系走向和解书画大展三等奖;2010 年 1 月 9 日,由中国健康月刊社主办,中国扇子艺术学会协力的中国花鸟画家陈开祥精品展在北京中央民族乐团大厅展出;2011 年 8 月,《艺眼看世界》栏目专题报道;2011 年 9 月在安徽省合肥市亚明艺术馆举办专题个人画展;2013 年,清风杯中国书画家作品展览大型公益活动被评为特等奖。2016 年,纪念毛泽东同志123 周年书画大展银奖。2021 年,花鸟画家陈开祥独创“一笔龙”荣获国家版权证书。2022 年,花鸟画家陈开祥独创“一笔虎”荣获国家版权证书。2023 年 9 月在合肥时代美术馆举办个人画展花鸟画家陈开祥发表作品百余幅,作品发表于光明日报、解放军报、中国书画报等多家报纸,并被几十家杂志登载。作品多次参加全国及国际书画大展并多次获奖,多幅作品被国内外有关单位和个人收藏,并入编 20 余部书画词典。主要出版物:《陈开祥花鸟画集》、《陈开祥精品集》、《陈氏花鸟精品集》。


  Chen Kaixiang, whose pen name is Zhihong, was born in1945 in Fengtai County, Anhui Province. He is a model of theChinese era, a famous Chinese contemporary artist, an artist ofthe Chinese people, a state guest ceremony of the People'sRepublic of China's national ceremony of art masters, calligraphy and painting, a 2021 meritorious figure in artisticcreation, a member of the Anhui Artists Association, acalligraphy and painting art director of Shanghai Youyuan DejiCulture Communication Co., Ltd., a famous consultant of theoverseas branch of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and PaintingResearch Association, a vice president of the Central PartySchool, a vice president of the Chinese Qingfeng Painting andCalligraphy Academy, one of the top ten Chinese artists, aHanmo Chinese online signing artist, an art consultant ofXiangyu Calligraphy and Painting Network, and an exchangebetween famous enterprises at home and abroad in Hebei. Artadviser of the Association, peace envoy across the TaiwanStraits. Chen Kaixiang is a Chinese charity artist who dedicatedhimself to researching and creating calligraphy and paintingartists. In 2003, he studied at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts andreceived teachings from teachers such as Sun Qifeng, HuoChunyang, and Lv Yun, and personally passed them on. In 2006, I pursued further studies in the advanced research class ofBeijing Academy of Painting and the studio of Professor WangPeidong. Personal honors: In 2002, he won the gold medal atthe National Lao Ji Fu Chi Olympic Painting and CalligraphyExhibition, the gold medal at the International Science andTechnology Expo Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, and thefirst prize at the Shuguang Cup Chinese Poetry Painting andCalligraphy Exhibition; In 2003, he won the gold medal at theChinese Contemporary Literati Painting and CalligraphyExhibition and the bronze medal at the National Painting andCalligraphy Exhibition commemorating the 40th anniversary ofMao Zedong's learning and publication from Comrade Lei Feng;In 2005, won the third prize at the grand calligraphy andpainting exhibition commemorating the reconciliation of therelationship between the Kuomintang and the CommunistParty of China in the "Handshake of History"; On January 9, 2010, the exquisite exhibition of Chinese flower and birdpainter Chen Kaixiang, sponsored by China Health Monthly andin collaboration with the Chinese Fan Art Society, was exhibitedat the Hall of the Central Ethnic Orchestra in Beijing; In August2011, a special report was published in the program "Art Visionof the World"; In September 2011, a special solo art exhibitionwas held at the Yaming Art Museum in Hefei, Anhui Province;In 2013, the Qingfeng Cup Chinese Calligraphers and PaintersExhibition, a large-scale public welfare event, was awarded theSpecial Prize. In 2016, a silver award was awarded at thecalligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 123rdanniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong. In 2021, flower and birdpainter Chen Kaixiang's original creation of "One Brush Dragon" won the national copyright certificate. In 2022, flower and birdpainter Chen Kaixiang's original creation of "One Brush Tiger" won the national copyright certificate. In September 2023, Chen Kaixiang, a flower and bird painter, held a personal artexhibition at the Hefei Times Art Museum. He published over ahundred works, which were published in several newspaperssuch as Guangming Daily, PLA Daily, and China Painting andCalligraphy News, and were featured in dozens of magazines. The works have participated in national and internationalcalligraphy and painting exhibitions multiple times and wonawards multiple times. Many of the works have been collectedby relevant units and individuals at home and abroad, and havebeen included in more than 20 calligraphy and paintingdictionaries. Main publications: "Chen Kaixiang Flower and BirdPainting Collection", "Chen Kaixiang Boutique Collection", "Chen's Flower and Bird Boutique Collection".















  央视著名评论家 李小龙

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