毛学校,字敬之,号清斋主人,山东广饶人,现住山东滨州市。系中国书法家协会、中华诗词学会、中国楹联协会会员,国家一级艺术大师,中国书画艺术指导委员会委员,国家智库专家,央媒文化组委会艺术顾问,清华大学美术学院客座教授,英国剑桥艺术学院研究生导师,香港书法家协会副主席、名誉主席,北京世纪名人国际书画院院士,北京京华阁书画院副院长,山东滨州市书协顾问,黄河三角洲书画院常务副院长,山东曲阜鸿儒书画院常务副院长,有诗集《清河集》《清斋诗墨》、书法有《一代大家》毛学校专刊、《一带一路书法名家毛学校》、《建党百年毛学校书法专刋》、《世界艺术鉴赏》中国风毛学校专刋、2022 奉献全国两会的《人民艺术代表》专刋,《二十大专刋》,2022 年 12 月故宫博物院出版毛学校范迪安何家英合集《书画収藏品鉴》,2023 年国际福布斯、北京荣宝斋等编辑出版《毛学校书法艺朮》等 50 余种作品集问世。
2019 年,中国书协授于"德艺双馨艺术家“,2020 年 9 月经文旅部、外交部批准发行《一带一路 国家名片 新时代艺术大师毛学校 黄永玉 靳尚谊》书画集,在一带一路国家发行。11 月,毛学校的两幅书法作品被耶鲁大学英国艺术中心收藏。中国书画职称评定中心等单位授于《人民艺术家》等称号。2021 年 6 月,香港书协主办的《第十三届“京津冀走廊上的明珠"全国书画大赛》中荣获书法“第一名”。2022 年 3 月《人民代表报》《中宣时代报》发表毛学校多幅书法作品。2023 年 4 月两幅参加北京荣宝斋艺术館全国名家邀请展,20 幅书法作品参加《水墨巨匠》艺术研究院揭牌议式暨全国书画名家邀请展。2023 年,中国书法兰亭奖组委会授于毛学校 兰亭奖 终身成就奖。中国文旅部授于毛学校"中国书法泰斗丰碑奖"称号。
毛学校先生在诗词创作上也深有造诣,2008 年,入选《第二届华夏诗词奖作品集》。2010 年诗词 14 首入选《齐鲁百年诗词选》。2016 年诗词 20 首入选中华诗词学会主编的《集成》山东卷等。
Mao School, with the courtesy name Jingzhi and the nicknameQingzhai Master, is from Guangrao, Shandong and currently residesin Binzhou City, Shandong. He is a member of the ChineseCalligrapher's Association, the Chinese Poetry Society, and theChinese Couplet Association, a national first-class art master, amember of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art SteeringCommittee, a national think tank expert, an art consultant of theCentral Media Culture Organization Committee, a visiting professorof the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, a postgraduatetutor of the Cambridge School of Arts, the vice chairman andhonorary chairman of the Hong Kong Calligrapher's Association, anacademician of the Beijing Century Celebrity InternationalCalligraphy and Painting Academy, a vice-president of the BeijingJinghua Pavilion Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a consultant ofthe Shandong Binzhou Calligrapher's Association, a standingvice-president of the Yellow River Delta Calligraphy and PaintingAcademy, a standing vice-president of the Shandong Qufu HongruCalligraphy and Painting Academy, with poetry collections QingheCollection, Qingzhai Poetry and Ink, and calligraphy collections ofThe special issue of Mao School, the famous calligrapher MaoSchool of the Belt and Road Initiative, the special issue ofcalligraphy of Mao School in the centennial of the founding of theParty, the special issue of World Art Appreciation of China FengmaoSchool In December 2022, more than 50 collections of worksincluding "People's Art Representatives" and "Twenty MajorCollections" were published at the National People's Congress andChinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In December2022, the Palace Museum published a collection of calligraphy andpainting collections by Fan Dian and He Jiaying from Mao School. In2023, more than 50 collections of works including "Mao SchoolCalligraphy Art" were edited and published by Forbes International, Beijing Rongbaozhai, and others.
In 2019, the Chinese Calligrapher's Association was awardedthe title of "Artist of Virtue and Skill". In September 2020, theMinistry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairsapproved the release of the collection of Huang Yongyu and JinShangyi, the national card of the the Belt and Road, the new eramaster of art of Mao School, and issued it in the the Belt and Roadcountries. In November, two calligraphic works of Mao School werecollected by the British Art Center of Yale University. The ChineseCalligraphy and Painting Title Assessment Center and other unitswere awarded the title of "People's Artist". In June 2021, the HongKong Calligrapher's Association won the "first place" in calligraphyin the 13th "Pearl on the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Corridor" NationalCalligraphy and Painting Competition. In March 2022, the "ThePeople's Representative Daily and the Central Propaganda Timespublished many calligraphy works of Mao School. In April 2023, twoof them were exhibited at the National Famous Artists InvitationalExhibition of Beijing Rongbaozhai Art Museum, and 20 calligraphyworks were exhibited in the" Master of Ink Painting " The unveilingceremony of the Art Research Institute and the invitation exhibitionof national calligraphy and painting masters.In 2023, the organizingcommittee of the Lanting Award for Chinese Calligraphy awardedthe Lifetime Achievement Award to the Lanting Award of MaoSchool. The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism awarded MaoSchool the title of "Chinese Calligraphy Master Monument Award".
Mr. Mao Xuexue also has deep expertise in poetry creation. In2008, he was selected for the Second Huaxia Poetry Award WorksCollection. In 2010, 14 poems were selected for the "SelectedPoems of Qilu for a Century". In 2016, 20 poems were selected forthe Shandong volume of "Integration" edited by the Chinese PoetrySociety.
After years of hard work, Mr. Mao School has become awell-known artist both domestically and internationally. Mr. Ouyang Zhongshi once wrote and gifted a plaque titled "Master ofChinese Art" to him.