2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。
Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.
全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定。
Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end. As follows(如下);
心经 120.120
陶雪华先生注重东方传统文化涵养,着力提高综合艺术素质,潜心书学理论研究,以自己独特的学书和创作经验,写了数篇具有独到见解的书学论著。如书学论文《书法静中观》被评为浙江省第十四届书学研讨会优秀论文,发表于《书法研究》(2004 年第三期);书学论文《创作心态说》《唯一法则论》等发表于《书法研究》(1992 年第三期、1994年第五期)《书法新探》等书刊;曾入选中国书法家协会主办的第七届全国书法篆刻展一类论文,并参加中国书法家协会“当代书法创作理论研讨会”,入选出席北京大学主办的第九届中华文化论坛,论文编入《第九届中华文化论坛论文集》。另外,诗词、楹联书法作品见刊于《中华诗词》《诗词中国》《中国楹联报》《中华楹联报》《楹联博览》《中国书画报》《荣宝斋》《中国艺术收藏》《中国美术报》等报刊。
陶雪华先生作品及传略编入《中国当代著名书画家珍品选》《中国书法十大名家》《沈鹏、陶雪华双人集》等大型典藉数十部;出版了《中国近现代名家书法集-陶雪华》(大红袍)《中国国学名家-陶雪华》《陶雪华书法集》《中国艺术市场重磅推荐艺术家-陶雪华》《雪华墨迹》《陶雪华书法艺术展作品集》等专著。作品被海内外多家博物馆、碑林收藏、勒石,在港澳及多国邮政发行邮票。多次赴日、韩、新、欧等展出,被授予中欧、中法、中新、两岸文化艺术交流特使等荣誉称号。获中国当代艺坛功勋人物、中国十大杰出书画家、2011 影响中国十大艺术新闻人物、2017 中国十大书画年度人物、2018 当代 20 位杰出新闻艺术家形象大使等殊荣。
陆游.梅花绝句 98.180
陶雪华先生除了数次参加《中国名家书画邀请展》《中国大型书画艺术交流展》《国际榜书艺术大展》等大型联展外,还在北京举办个展二次,在南京等地举办个展四次。2019年9 月在中国民族文化宫成功举办《雪华墨迹--国庆献礼展》,刘洪彪先生题写展标;2023年4月又在北京荣宝斋举办了“漫漫书中路 且行且求索--陶雪华书法艺术展”,沈鹏先生题写展标。展览中,众多艺坛巨擘莅临指导。2023 年 12 月《中华英才》第二十四期纪念毛主席诞辰 130 周年特别报道以《倾情挥毫 缅怀伟人》为题用四版篇幅刊登了陶雪华创作的毛主席诗词书法作品和陈联合、张瑞田、彭一超先生撰写的评论文章及沈鹏、苏士澍等巨擘的评鉴。先生的艺术成就得到社会认可,被聘任为中国书画院院士,中国东方文化研究会社会艺术委员会艺术委员,中国世纪大采风书画院副院长,中国文化艺术协会副会长、中国五体书法研究会副会长等。这位自山沟走出来又锲而不舍披荆斩棘前行、默默耕耘砚田又闪烁于艺坛的艺术家。取法乎上,不囿成法,步古出新,厚积薄发,信手挥洒,纵横捭阖,进技于法,出法为艺,入艺悟道。他常自称自己是个书法行者,虽人生之路崎岖多舛,而对书艺的追求却孜孜不倦,稳行致远。他为人随和宽厚,待人率真诚恳,热爱自然,性情洒脱,“独与天地精神往来”,让心驰骋在广渺浩瀚的宇宙之间,将天地浩然之气流注笔端。蓦然回首,试看先生,信在灯火阑珊处!
TAO Xuehua, an outstanding Chinese calligrapher,was born in a village descended from TAO Yuanming(famous Chinese poet and politician) in Zhejiang. Hestarted learning traditional calligraphy from an oldmaster at a very young age. Calligraphy is like his lifepartner, experienced along with his life’s ups and downsfor 62 years. It has been ingrained into his soul, creatinghis unique style. He began with YAN Zhenqing’scalligraphie, followed ZHONG Yao and WANG Xizhi, wentback to oracle bone inscriptions, Jinwen of Shang andZhou Dynasties, Zhuan li of Qin and Han, along the flowto Tang Dynasty’s ZHANG Xu, HUAI Su and other famousmasters, and absorbed artistic nourishment from variousmasters in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. He haslaid a solid foundation of all kinds of calligraphy,mastered every form and style of writing, especiallygood at running script and cursive script, with a uniquestyle and charm. His regular script in small character isvery exquisite, large and very large characters are alsovery imposing. The running script is vigorous, thestructure is novel and unique, the cursive lines aresmooth, the chapter method is like flying phoenix anddragon dance. He has formed his own distinctive artisticpersonality thanks to deep traditional skills andperception of the essence of 2000 year calligraphyhistory.
乾隆句 KDL 乾隆般若菩提句 40.220
Member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association,Chinese Poetry Society, Chinese Couplet Association andits calligraphy art committee, Chinese Painting andCalligraphy Collector's Association, he is recognized asNational first-class artist, national registered seniorcalligrapher. He published monographs such as "FamousChinese Sinology Master--Tao Xuehua","HighlyRecommended Artist in the Chinese Art Market--TaoXuehua", and "Chinese Modern CalligraphyCollection--Tao Xuehua" ( the highest honor given toartists by the publishing industry in China).
真山民风竹石泉句 138.35.2
In 2001, he was Qualified as first-class artistmember of the Talent Research Association by theMinistry of Humain Ressouces and awarded the title ofMeritorious Artist.
In 2009, he won the "Best Creation Award"recognized as "Top Ten Famous Chinese CalligraphyMasters" by the Ministry of Culture.
In 2014 he won the National Art Gold Award, hiscalligraphy work participated the special exhibition ofChinese in the Louvre Museum and he was titled as“Sino-French Cultural Exchange Ambassador”.
In 2017, he was the top ten Chinese calligraphy andpainting figures of the year,
In 2019, special prize of China's first-class paintingand calligraphy master competition, the global tourexhibition of China's painting and calligraphy masters(arriving in eight countries including the United States,Italy, and South Korea).
李白我本 50.58
In September 2019,“XUE HUA MOJI Exhibition - the62nd Anniversary of Tao Xuehua's Study of Calligraphy"and the inaugural ceremony of "Collection of Calligraphyof Famous Chinese Modern Artists - TAO Xuehua" weresuccessfully held in the Chinese National Culture Palace.
马致远曲枯藤 138.69
墨龙 48.69
王维空山 69.138
张志和西塞 35.69
和为贵 120.120
心经.局 2133.33.4
然天道人学书六十年有感 180.85