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2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中国艺术代表——方竹平

2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。

Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.

全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定,最后审定出 33 名赴法参展人员。

Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end, 33 participants were selected. As follows(如下);

方竹平,1956 年生,祖籍湖北,中共党员,中央电视台CCTV《艺术名家》栏目特聘名誉教授、中国书法家协会会员,国礼艺术大师,国家一级书法师,韩中文化友好促进会名誉会长,中国艺术家收藏协会名誉副主席,北京当代环球书画院副院长,人民艺术家书画院理事,江西省作家协会会员。被人民美术网、最美人民美术家评委会授予“中国文化奥运传播大使”荣誉称号。方竹平的作品坚持了以人民为中心的创作导向,坚持了为人民服务、为社会主义服务这个根本方向,倡导了社会主义核心价值观。形式上,方竹平敢于大胆创新,他创作的作品格式上让人耳目一新,堪称无愧于时代的优秀作品。他创作的书法作品内容大多是他自己创作的对联和诗歌,有“振兴中华,争分夺秒创伟业;报效祖国,鞠躬尽瘁立新功”、“坚定报国志,永怀感恩心”、“奋斗幸福,奉献伟大”的励志佳联,有“事事后为己,时时先让人”的做人准则,也有他创作的优秀格律诗《咏涧底竹》:“先天脾性烈,尤恐染红尘。雪压骨更韧,风摇根愈深。嘴尖为破土,皮厚欲洁身。甘愿空心腹,鞠躬益他人”,展示了他的爱国情怀和知恩图报的赤子之心,展示了中华优秀儿女甘于奉献、百折不挠、奋发向上、勇攀高峰的优良品质,展示了炎黄子孙容山纳海的胸怀。

在逆境中坚持,在拼搏中攀登。方竹平在妻子久病三十年生活不能自理漫长艰辛的岁月,一边悉心照料病妻,一边咬紧牙关,争分夺秒,追梦不息,终于在书法、文学、音乐领域均取得了不凡成就。2018 年 12 月,央视综艺频道拍摄制作了新闻专题片《逆境中奋起的书法名家方竹平》,报道了方竹平令人感叹的事迹。

2016 年,经文化部组织严格评选,方竹平被评为当代中国书法界唯一的“三叶虫化石”国礼艺术家,其个人肖像被刻在罕见的远古生物化石“三叶虫化石”上制作成精美礼品,作为赠送的珍贵国礼,方竹平精选的书法作品同时被编辑成与该国礼配套的作品集。同年,方竹平与时任中国书法家协会主席苏士澍、当代中国顶级国画大师范曾一起入编大型珍藏册《人民书画家三人行》,并于 2016 年 11 月由中国文联出版社出版发行。

2017 年 6 月,方竹平在香港举办的“中国梦香江情——庆祝香港回归 20 周年杰出华人艺术名家书画作品联展”中被组委会授予“特别贡献奖”。

2018 年 6 月,经中华人民共和国国礼艺术交流中心艺术鉴定委员会评选,方竹平创作的行书作品《中国梦》等三幅优秀书法作品入选“纪念改革开放 40 周年‘大国之礼,国之瑰宝’艺术名家”项目,三幅作品分别被刻在精选洁白无瑕的和田玉盘上,制作成珍贵国礼,作为邦交之礼走出国门,传递中国传统优秀文化艺术信息。同时,国礼艺术交流中心授予方竹平“国礼艺术大师”称号,并颁发了覆金奖牌。

2018 年 10 月,方竹平创作的行书作品《中国梦》被人民大会堂收藏使用。人民大会堂管理局给方竹平颁发了银质收藏证书(第 1893 号)。

2018 年 12 月,央视综艺频道拍摄制作了新闻专题片《逆境中奋起的书法名家方竹平》,已在网上发布。2019 年 6 月,经中华人民共和国国礼艺术交流中心艺术鉴定委员会评选,方竹平创作的行书作品《征途之四十五》等六幅作品入选国礼屏风项目,并制作成了精美的国礼仿古艺术屏风,作为邦交之礼走出国门。同时,国礼艺术交流中心授予方竹平“艺术传承人物”荣誉称号,并颁发了精美的覆金证书。

2020 年 5 月,中国人文科学出版社出版了《当代书法名家方竹平抗疫扇面作品集——抗疫战歌》,以书法作品的方式记录了当代中国发生的特大疫情事件,展示了全民抗疫的历史画面,为打赢抗击新冠肺炎疫情总体战阻击战传递了正能量。同年 6 月,经中华人民共和国国礼艺术交流中心艺术鉴定委员会评选,方竹平创作的《中国梦》等六幅行书扇面作品入选中华国宾礼品银卡项目,并制作成了精美的中华国礼银卡,作为邦交之礼走出国门,传递中国优秀传统文化艺术信息。同时,国礼艺术交流中心授予方竹平“国礼艺术标兵”荣誉称号,颁发了盖有铅印的荣誉证书。同年 11 月,中国邮品开发组委会、中国集邮文创中心、国家邮政、电信部门等机构联袂开发了《共和国记忆——众志成城抗击疫情2020 全面建成小康社会限量版珍藏邮册》。经中国邮品开发组委会和中国集邮文创中心等单位和部门严格评选,方竹平作为中国艺术先锋榜样人物成功入编,《共和国记忆——众志成城抗击疫情 2020 全面建成小康社会限量版珍藏邮册》(方竹平版)已成功出版发行。2021 年 6 月,方竹平与现任中国书法家协会主席孙晓云出版了二人书法作品合集《中国艺术谱华章》,由中国国际出版社出版发行。

2022 年 3 月,方竹平与现任中国美术家协会主席范迪安出版了二人书画作品合集《感动中国人民艺术家》,由中国艺术文献出版社出版发行。

2022 年 9 月,方竹平与中国美术家协会名誉主席、中国文联副主席、全国政协常委靳尚谊、中国美协副主席、中国艺术研究院博士生导师何家英出版了书画作品合集《大国艺术》,由中国国际出版社出版发行。



Formally, Fang Zhuping dares to innovate boldly, and hisworks are refreshing in format, making them outstanding worksworthy of the times. Most of the calligraphy works he createdare his own couplets and poems, including inspirationalcouplets such as "Revitalizing China, striving for greatachievements; Serving the motherland, dedicating oneself tonew achievements", "Firmly serving the country, always holdinga grateful heart", "Striving for happiness, and dedicatinggreatness", as well as the code of conduct of "doing everythingfor oneself after everything, always giving priority to others", and his excellent regulated poem "Ode to the Bamboo at theBottom of the Stream": "Born with a strong temperament, especially afraid of being stained by the red dust. The snowpresses the bones harder, and the wind shakes the roots deeper. The tip of the mouth is to break through the soil, and the skin isthick and wants to clean itself. Willing to have a hollow bellyand bow to benefit others", showcasing his patriotic feelings. The selfless heart of repaying kindness and gratitude showcasesthe excellent qualities of Chinese people, who are willing todedicate themselves, persevere, strive for progress, and bravelyclimb new heights. It also demonstrates the magnanimity of thedescendants of the Yellow Emperor to embrace mountains andseas.

Persist in adversity and climb through hard work. Duringhis wife's thirty years of illness and inability to take care ofherself, Fang Zhuping took good care of her while gritting histeeth, racing against time and pursuing his dreams relentlessly. Eventually, he achieved remarkable success in the fields ofcalligraphy, literature, and music. In December 2018, CCTVVariety Channel produced a news documentary titled "FangZhuping, a calligraphy master who rose up in adversity", reporting on Fang Zhuping's impressive deeds.

In 2016, after strict selection organized by the Ministry ofCulture, Fang Zhuping was named the only contemporaryChinese calligraphy artist with a "trilobite fossil" as a nationalgift. His personal portrait was carved on a rare ancientbiological fossil "trilobite fossil" and made into an exquisite gift. As a precious national gift, Fang Zhuping's selected calligraphyworks were also edited into a collection of works that matchedthe national gift.

In June 2017, Fang Zhuping was awarded the "SpecialContribution Award" by the organizing committee at the"Chinese Dream Fragrant River Love - Celebrating the 20thAnniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China OutstandingChinese Art Masters Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" held inHong Kong.

At the same time, the Guoli Art Exchange Centerawarded Fang Zhuping the title of "Guoli Art Master" andpresented him with a gold medal.

The Management Bureau of the Great Hall of the Peopleissued a silver collection certificate (No. 1893) to Fang Zhuping.In December 2018, CCTV Variety Channel produced a newsdocumentary titled "Fang Zhuping, a calligraphy master whorose up in adversity", which has been released online.

At the same time, the Guoli Art Exchange Centerawarded Fang Zhuping the honorary title of "Art InheritanceFigure" and presented him with a beautiful gold medalcertificate.

At the same time, the Guoli Art Exchange Centerawarded Fang Zhuping the honorary title of "Guoli Art Model" and presented a certificate of honor stamped with a lead seal.

In June 2021, Fang Zhuping and Sun Xiaoyun, the currentchairman of the Chinese Calligrphers Association, published acollection of their calligraphy works, “ Chinese art bookHuazheng”, published by China International Press. In March2022, Fang Zhuping and the current Chairman of the ChinaArtists Association, Fan Dian, published a collection of theircalligraphy and painting works, “ Moving the artists of theChinese people”, published by China Art Literature PublishingHouse. September 2022, fang zhuping and the honorarychairman of the China Artists Association, the vice-chairman ofthe Chinese Federation of Literature and Standing Committeeof the National Committee of the CPPCC, Jin Shangyi, thevice-chairman of the Chinese Association of Artists and theChinese National Academy of Arts Professor, He Jiaying, havepublished a collection of calligraphy and painting works, “Artof a great nation ” , published and distributed by ChinaInternational Press. Fang Zhuping's calligraphy workshave participated in the joint exhibition of famous calligraphersand Painters' works held in Beijing National Academy ofPainting, National Exhibition Art Center, Tokyo of Japan, Budapest of Hungary and Seoul of South Korea, has caused theChinese calligraphy and painting circles and the news mediawidespread concern.







方竹平草书作品 苏轼《念奴娇•赤壁怀古》


方竹平对联 行书作品《拼搏方能强大 坚持才会成功》

方竹平小楷作品 《沁园春•雪》



国礼仿古小屏风 方竹平组诗作品《征途》节选 6 首

方竹平对联 行书扇面作品《劳动光荣 奉献伟大》

方竹平楷书作品 《七律•长征》











荣获:国礼艺术大师 称号


荣获:艺术传承人物 称号

人民大会堂 收藏证书


荣获 国礼艺术标兵




方竹平与中央美术家协会主席、中央美术学院院长范迪安二人作品合集《感动中国人民艺术 家》

< 前一个:全国人民艺术家信用管理中心书画艺术委员会主席——刘建辉
> 后一个:贾玉柳——影响世界的艺术五大家
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