2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。
Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.
主办:联合国法中文化交流促中心(Host: United Nations Center for thepromotion of cultural exchanges)
承办:奥林匹克俱乐部、欧洲时报(Organizers: Olympic Club, EuropeanTimes)
活动时间:2024 年 7 月 23 日-7 月 29 日(Activity time: July 23 - July 29, 2024)
活动地点:法国巴黎欧洲画廊(Venue: European Gallery, Paris, France)
全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定,最后审定出 33 名赴法参展人员。
Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end, 33 participants were selected. As follows(如下);
截止 2023 年 4 月,已成功举办了法国卢浮宫、美国纽约大都会美术馆等四十多个国家殿堂级个人油画展并获各种殊荣,得到国际艺术界收藏界的高度赞誉。
Zhao Xinying
French oil painter
Cultural and creative designer
Royal Academy of European Painting signs contract with topinternational oil painters
The inheritor of intangible cultural heritage Beijing Opera oilpainting,
The initiator and pioneer of the "the Belt and Road" Decade(2016-2026) world tour of Chinese Peking Opera oil paintings.
Artistic achievements are permanently registered in databasessuch as "Chinese Influential Figures", "International CelebrityEncyclopedia", "Baidu Encyclopedia", "Art Encyclopedia", "Calligraphers and Painters Encyclopedia", "World CelebrityDirectory", "Celebrity Dictionary", etc., and published anddistributed the "Zhao Xinying Drama Oil Painting" series ofspecial collections.
Has made significant contributions to the export of Chineseculture and folk cultural diplomacy.
As of April 2023, more than 40 national level personal oilpainting exhibitions have been successfully held, including theLouvre Museum in France and the Metropolitan Museum of Artin New York, and have won various honors, receiving high praisefrom the international art collecting community.
赵新颖的京剧油画在 2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中的展出,无疑是对中国艺术的一次精彩呈现,也是中西文化交流的一次重要契机。以下是我对其艺术作品的点评:
1. 中西合璧的创新
2. 深厚的文化底蕴
3. 精湛的技艺
4. 国际视野的传播
赵新颖的京剧油画走进 2024 年法国巴黎奥运展,不仅是对中国艺术的一次展示,更是对中西文化交流的一次推动。近年来他的作品在法国吸引了众多国际观众的关注和赞赏,使中国艺术在国际舞台上获得了更多的认可和尊重。这种国际视野的传播,有助于增进不同文化之间的理解和尊重,促进世界文化的多样性和繁荣,相信他本次奥运展依然会取得惊人的成果。
5. 艺术与奥运的结合
综上所述,赵新颖的京剧油画在 2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中的展出,将会是一次成功的艺术展示和文化交流。他的作品以中西合璧的创新、深厚的文化底蕴、精湛的技艺、国际视野的传播以及与奥运的完美结合,必将赢得广泛的赞誉和关注。相信在未来的日子里,赵新颖的艺术之路将会更加宽广和辉煌。
The exhibition of Zhao Xinying's Peking Opera oil paintings atthe 2024 Paris Olympics in France is undoubtedly a wonderfulpresentation of Chinese art and an important opportunity forcultural exchange between China and the West. Here are mycomments on his artistic works:
1. Innovation that combines Chinese and Western elementsZhao Xinying's Peking Opera oil paintings cleverly blendtraditional Chinese Peking Opera elements with Western oilpainting techniques, creating a unique artistic form. Thisinnovation not only breaks the boundaries of traditional oilpainting, but also finds new ways of expression for Chinesetraditional art on the international stage. His works not onlyretain the charm and essence of Peking Opera, but also give itnew vitality and visual impact through the colors and light andshadow of oil painting.
2. Profound cultural heritage
As a treasure of traditional Chinese culture, Peking Opera'sprofound cultural heritage is fully demonstrated in ZhaoXinying's oil paintings. He vividly portrays the details ofcostumes, makeup, and movements in Peking Opera throughdelicate brushstrokes and rich colors, allowing the audience toappreciate the charm of traditional Chinese culture whileappreciating the artwork. The integration of this culturalheritage makes his works not only beautiful oil paintings, butalso vivid cultural stories.
3. Exquisite skills
Zhao Xinying's oil painting skills are exquisite, both in the use ofcolors and the handling of light and shadow, reaching a veryhigh level. He perfectly presents the charm and artisticconception of Peking Opera through oil painting techniques, providing the audience with great visual enjoyment. At thesame time, he also pays attention to the expression of details, whether it is the facial expressions of characters or the textureof clothing, they are vividly portrayed, which is breathtaking.
4. Spread of international perspective
Zhao Xinying's Peking Opera oil paintings entering the 2024Paris Olympics exhibition in France are not only a showcase ofChinese art, but also a promotion of cultural exchange betweenChina and the West. In recent years, his works have attractedthe attention and appreciation of numerous internationalaudiences in France, enabling Chinese art to gain morerecognition and respect on the international stage. Thedissemination of this international perspective helps toenhance understanding and respect between different cultures, promote diversity and prosperity of world cultures, and Ibelieve he will still achieve amazing results in this Olympicexhibition.
5. The combination of art and the Olympics
The Olympic Games, as an international sports event, is also animportant platform for cultural exchange. The exhibition ofZhao Xinying's Peking Opera oil paintings at the Olympic Gamescombines art with sports, bringing audiences a richer culturalexperience. His works not only showcase the charm of Chineseart, but also convey the Chinese people's beautiful aspirationsfor peace, friendship, and unity. The combination of this artwith the Olympics makes his works more contemporary andvaluable.
In summary, the exhibition of Zhao Xinying's Peking Opera oilpaintings at the 2024 Paris Olympics in France will be asuccessful artistic display and cultural exchange. His works, withtheir innovative combination of Chinese and Western elements, profound cultural heritage, exquisite craftsmanship,international perspective dissemination, and perfect integrationwith the Olympics, are bound to win widespread praise andattention. I believe that in the future, Zhao Xinying's artisticpath will be even broader and more brilliant.
Amin's article