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王厚堂先生是山东烟台林派铁沙掌第三代传人,7 岁开始苦练武功,青年时代其武术与书法在齐鲁大地就已小有名气,铁沙掌功夫冠誉中外;在书法造诣上,王厚堂先生独辟蹊径,榜书艺术声名远播。其武术书法功夫墨书法作品在世界各国、地区均有收藏。
被烟台市政府评定为“烟台市专业技术拔尖人才”,同时享受国务院特殊津贴,其事迹被编入《烟台芝罘史志》曾获多项专利发明。1999 年被编入《中华魂·中国百业领导英才大典》、《中国专家名人辞典》、《二十一世纪人才库》等。
王厚堂 《功夫墨韵 文化使者 》功夫墨 走向世界第一人 。
Wang Houtang, Chinese core artist, founder of wushucalligraphy, president of International Wushu CalligraphyAssociation, President of International Xihuang ArtistsAssociation, President of New York Jingwu Association, GeneralAdvisor, Chinese Celebrity Network, advisor
Mr. Wang Houtang is the third generation descendant ofthe iron sand palm of the Lin School in Yantai, Shandongprovince. He has been practicing martial arts since he was 7years old In the calligraphy attainments, Mr. Wang HoutangUnique Path, list book art well-known. His wushu calligraphy, kungfu and ink calligraphy works are collected all over theworld. Was Yantai city government as “ Yantai's topprofessional and technical personnel,” while enjoying the statecouncil special subsidies, its deeds were compiled in the“ History of Yantai Zhifu, ” has been a number of patentinventions. In 1999, he was included in the book“Chinese Soul:The Great Ceremony of Chinese professional leaders ” , “Dictionary of Chinese experts and celebrities”, “Talent poolof the 21st century” and so on.
Wang Houtang“Kungfu ink rhyme, cultural messenger”kungfu ink, to the first person in the world. There is anoutstanding figure who, by virtue of his love and persistence inChinese traditional culture, has made kungfu known to theworld. He is like a cultural bridge, allowing the world toappreciate the unique charm of Chinese culture, he is Mr. WangHoutang, the founder of kungfu ink in wushu calligraphy. Kungfu ink, a unique form of expression that combines thestrength and softness of Chinese wushu with the spirit ofcalligraphy, radiates new vitality in his hands. Wang Houtangwas immersed in the atmosphere of Chinese traditional culturesince he was young. His love of wushu and his obsession withcalligraphy prompted him to come up with an innovative ideato combine the two.
Over the years, Mr. Wang has studied the essence ofmartial arts and calligraphy, constantly exploring the way ofintegration between the two. He drew inspiration from themoves, rhythm and power of martial arts and incorporatedthem into the strokes, lines and layouts of calligraphy, makingevery word seem to contain the spirit, spirit and strength ofmartial arts, both into the ancient culture of the east and intothe west performance art.
At the recently concluded exhibition at the Cohen ArtCentre in New York, Mr Wong showcased the unique charm ofkung fu ink with a splash of ink. His every move was like asmooth martial art style, which amazed the audience. Theaudience was attracted by this novel and rich connotation of artform, immersed in the world of kungfu ink.