陈兵,男,字悦水,杭州桐庐人。中华人民共和国文化和旅游部、国家一级美术师、著名书画家、陈兵書画工作室(文旅部授予牌匾),中央电视台 CCTV 艺术名家艺术传承:陈兵中国国宝级艺术名家工作室(中央電视台授牌),共和囯甲等一级文艺名家,国画艺术硕士学位,中国首届国学功勋艺术家、中华国礼藝術大师、中国館藏级艺术家、卢浮宫館藏级艺术家国家文化巨匠、中国开派巨匠国粹艺术家、中国艺术十大巨头.史诗级.國礼巨著,世界当代杰出文艺领袖、澳门文化形象大使、世界文化艺术交流大使、中国当代书画艺术专家、学者。文化部、中国画院、书协、美协、高等校、中国书画产业研究基地专家组成员,CCTV 丹靑颂党恩.喜迎二十大栏目组编委,中国中央电视台 CCTV《艺术名家》栏目组终身艺术顾问,世界名人堂终身成就会员、中华文化名人堂,神州书画名人堂艺术顾问,民政部丶文旅部主管中国艺协(CAA)常务会员理事,中国文化部、中国文化信息协会、中国文联出版社《世纪名画》、《共和国骄子》等特邀编委、中国国家文兿网终身艺术頋问,国宾礼首創艺术家.国礼特供晝画家,2007 年 5 月世界贸昜合作总商会常委会研究决定被增補为总商会高级研究员並授予{世界和平的维护者]荣誉称号,人民藝術家{20位顶级兿術大师}庆澳门回归20周年, 中国国家艺术節《十大爱国爱军艺术家》等评选活动担任 1 一 11 届评委至今、2020 年 3 月被中国【一帶一路】促进会、俄罗斯皇家艺术理亊会、日內瓦 BACA 文艺组织、中哈文化联谊会聘为——‘一带一路’文化传播大使,《民族国碎 20名頂级兿術大师》副主编、新华艺术网兿委会執行副主席、中国書画黄頁网首席兿術家、中华人民共和国日史编辑委员会书画院理事、2007 年 12 月任中国国际权威专家协会书画领域首届权威专家、中宣部大众文学白金理事会员、文化部数据库工程联谊会会员、中华人民共和国文化和旅游部陈兵书画工作室,中国国宝级艺术名家陈兵工作室。受聘于法兰西皇家画院外籍院士、英国皇家美院终身荣誉院士客座教授、瑞典皇家艺术学院外籍院士、荣誉愽士学位,俄罗斯艺术科学院名誉院士,任國际国內多家文化艺术组织机构成员。
世界文化艺术研究中心丶世界华人交流协会丶美国海艺术家协会丶世界人物出版丶中国国际交流出版社丶中国国际出版集团丶英国剑桥大学名人传记中心等专家对陈兵先生的画作作如下点评:(详見世界人物辞海中华卷三) 陈兵先生的画作沾然天真而有静气。作品令人惊异于自然的平和、宁静,如同体验夏日的清风、冬夜的沉寂、山林的深幽、湖泊的淡远,不仅是画中的自然之美带来视觉上的享受,更是画中自然和谐的意境给予你心灵的慰藉,灵魂超脱世俗的束缚。精神在其创造的艺术世界获得自由。其绘画作品雍容大器,古朴隽永以凝练灵动的笔墨,描述出博大精深的内涵,凸现了他对生活深入细致的观察和对事物本质的深刻把握。个性鲜明,神采飞杨,用笔简洁流畅,章法考纠规范,刻画细致真切,意蕴深远隽永。无论是谋片造势还是笔墨渲染,都显示出其娴熟的艺术功力,流传广泛,影响深远。在国际国内书画界引起广泛关注,其独特的艺术风格,丰富宝贵的艺术实践为繁荣和发展我国传统艺术提供了难得的借鉴依据。(此段文系国家多家业内专家和英国剑桥大学名人传记中心对其作品的点评,属独家所有,抄袭必究)。其作品颇受大众乃至国际友人的喜爱和青睐,作品被国家级博物馆、大使馆和国家领导人多次收藏,远自美国、法国、奥地利、意大利、德国、荷兰、比利时、圣马力诺、瑞士,近至台湾、香港和内地均被书画收藏家收藏。中国收藏博览组委会授予其当代“中国书画收藏市场最具收藏价值艺术家”荣誉称号,
其部分作品:《水送山迎入富春》、《钟馗神威图》、《八仙庆寿》、《竹林七贤》等等均被荣誉载入中国文化部、中国文联、中国书协、美协、《海内外中国书画艺术当代名家集》、《中国艺术之巅》、徐悲鸿纪念馆《中国书画领军人物》《中国艺魂.国家文艺名人陈兵专刊》、和国家《人民艺术家》报陈兵专刊;中国邮政发行《昭君出塞》邮票和共迎十八大《陈兵纪念珍藏邮册》、庆祝中华人民共和国成立 65 周年<<圆梦中国》邮册、《辉煌 65 年》、《纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利 70 周年》(限量版珍藏邮册)。以中华国礼在 56 国发行、北京大学《艺术主流》文化部核心期刊《文化月刊》、被国际、国家级媒体、文化艺术机构授予“中欧文化艺术特使”、“首届中国国学功勋艺术家”、“中华名人艺术形象大使”、联合國教科文组织授予“世界艺术功勋人物”、“德艺双馨艺术家”、“世界华人杰出艺术家”,并获中华人民共和国文化部中国文化艺术政府奖最高奖项‘文华奖’【最佳创作奖】。“五个一”文化工程奖银奖、后由中央电视台《印象中国》栏目以美术卷收藏版出版直投中央各部办局国企及各美术馆等。聚焦十九大组委会特邀創作获【金奖】,中国文化学者奖, 首届人类文明贡献奖,而后人民日报社、新华视界丶中国改革网丶中国新闻联播丶中央电视台中国書画频道、中国文联在线丶国家中新网、安徽新闻、中国国际新闻、环球网、世界名人书画网、均以头条专题报道、中国名家新闻网、国际经济网、国际凤凰网、等媒体在《名家风采》、《人民艺术家》、《人民好书画》、《陈兵--人民喜爱的书画家》、《人民优秀艺术家》等栏目均有专题报道和介绍、2017-2018 新年特刊《艺术领军人物》的封面人物,2020 中国文艺界新春大拜年,特邀陈兵.范迪安两位同志参加...和中国文联出版 2021《国家特殊专家人才》陈兵、袁隆平、钟南山、黄旭华、欧阳中石官方贺岁年历...作品多次参加国际、文化部特邀全国名家四川射洪精品展,受香港特邀香港—北京—新加坡联展,百年盛典—中国书画艺术高峰论坛、中国电影百年书画展,文化部丶商务部特邀山东寿光全国书画展和第 28 届世界遗产杯大展等等,获國际、国内、国家级大奖高质量金奖、银奖无数。
其绘画成就已被载入《世界人物辞海》、《世界名人录》、《中国一代方家》、《中国馆藏级艺术家》、人民日報社出版《中华名人大典》、《中国专家名人辞海》、《中华名流世家》、《中国十全十美艺术家》《人民艺术家》、《中国开派巨匠》《共和国杰出专家终身成就大典》和中华人民共和国日史委编纂出版《人民的骄傲—见证中国主流人物》《当代最可爱的人》等等 60 多部典籍。
Chen Bing, male, with the courtesy name Yueshui,is from Tonglu, Hangzhou. The Ministry of Culture andTourism of the People's Republic of China, NationalFirst Class Artist, Famous Calligrapher and Painter,Chen Bing Calligraphy and Painting Studio [awardedplaque by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism], afirst-class literary and artistic master of theRepublic, a Master's degree in Chinese Painting Art,the first Chinese National Merit Artist, ChineseNational Ritual Art Master, Chinese Collection LevelArtist, Louvre Collection Level Artist, NationalCultural Master, Chinese Open School Master, ChineseEssence Artist, Top Ten Chinese Art Giants, Epic Level,and National Ritual Masterpieces, World ContemporaryOutstanding Literary and Artistic Leader, MacaoCultural Image Ambassador, World Cultural and ArtExchange Ambassador, Chinese Contemporary Calligraphyand Painting Art Expert, and Scholar. Member of theexpert group of the Ministry of Culture, the ChineseAcademy of Painting, the Calligraphers Association,the Artists Association, universities, and the ChineseCalligraphy and Painting Industry Research Base,editorial board member of the CCTV Danqing Song of PartyGrace and Welcoming the 20th National Congress program,lifelong art consultant of the CCTV "Art Masters"program group, lifelong member of the World Hall of Fame,the Chinese Culture Hall of Fame, the art consultantof the Shenzhou Calligraphy and Painting Hall of Fame,executive member director of the Chinese ArtAssociation (CAA) in charge of the Ministry of CivilAffairs and the Cultural Tourism Department, specialinvited editorial board members of the Ministry ofCulture, the Chinese Cultural Information Association,and the China Federation of Literary and Art PublishingHouse "Century Famous Paintings" and "The Proud Son ofthe Republic", and lifelong art consultant of the ChinaNational Culture Network. The pioneering artist of theNational Guest Ceremony. The National Ceremony isspecially designed for day painters, In May 2007, theStanding Committee of the General Chamber of Commercefor World Trade and Goods Cooperation decided to beadded as a senior researcher of the General Chamber ofCommerce and awarded the honorary title of "World PeaceDefender". The people's artists {20 top art masters}celebrated the 20th anniversary of Macao's return toChina. They have served as the judges of the 111thsession of the selection activities such as the "TopTen Patriotic and Military loving Artists" of theChinese National Arts Festival. In March 2020, theywere employed by the China [the Belt and Road] PromotionAssociation, the Russian Royal Arts Council, the GenevaBACA Literary and Art Organization, and the ChinaKazakhstan Cultural Friendship Association as the "theBelt and Road" cultural communication ambassador, thedeputy editor of the "Top 20 National Art Masters", andXinhua Art Network. Executive Vice Chairman of theCommittee, Chief Artist of Chinese Painting andCalligraphy Yellow Pages, Director of the Academy ofPainting and Calligraphy of the Editorial Committee ofJapanese History of the People's Republic of China InDecember 2007, he was appointed as the firstauthoritative expert in the field of calligraphy andpainting by the China International Association ofAuthoritative Experts, a member of the Platinum Councilfor Popular Literature of the Central PropagandaDepartment, a member of the Database EngineeringAssociation of the Ministry of Culture, and the ChenBing Calligraphy and Painting Studio of the Ministryof Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China.He was employed as a foreign academician of the RoyalAcademy of Painting in France, a visiting professorwith a lifetime honorary academician of the RoyalAcademy of Fine Arts in the UK, a foreign academicianand honorary academician of the Royal Academy of Artsin Sweden, and an honorary academician of the RussianAcademy of Arts and Sciences. He has also served as amember of.
Experts from the World Cultural and Art ResearchCenter, World Chinese Exchange Association, AmericanSea Artists Association, World Figures Publishing,China International Exchange Publishing House, ChinaInternational Publishing Group, and CambridgeUniversity Celebrity Biography Center have made thefollowing comments on Mr. Chen Bing's paintings: (seeWorld Figures Dictionary of China Volume 3) Mr. ChenBing's paintings are full of innocence and tranquility.The work is amazing at the peace and tranquility ofnature, just like experiencing the cool breeze ofsummer, the silence of winter nights, the depth ofmountains and forests, and the distant lakes. It notonly brings visual enjoyment to the beauty of naturein the painting, but also provides comfort to your soulthrough the harmonious atmosphere of nature in thepainting, breaking free from the constraints of thesecular world. The spirit gains freedom in the artisticworld it creates. His paintings are elegant andmagnificent, with a simple and elegant style. Withconcise and dynamic brushstrokes, they depict a broadand profound connotation, highlighting his deep andmeticulous observation of life and profound grasp ofthe essence of things. Distinctive personality,graceful demeanor, concise and fluent brushstrokes,standardized and meticulous writing, and profound andprofound meaning. Both in terms of film strategy andink rendering, they demonstrate their skilled artisticskills, have been widely circulated, and have had aprofound impact. It has attracted widespread attentionin the international and domestic calligraphy andpainting circles, and its unique artistic style andrich and valuable artistic practices provide a rarereference for the prosperity and development oftraditional Chinese art. (This passage is an exclusivereview of his works by several industry experts fromvarious countries and the Biography Center of theUniversity of Cambridge in the UK. Plagiarism isstrictly prohibited.). His works are highly loved andfavored by the public and even international friends.They have been collected multiple times by nationalmuseums, embassies, and national leaders, from theUnited States, France, Austria, Italy, Germany, theNetherlands, Belgium, San Marino, Switzerland, as wellas by calligraphy and painting collectors in Taiwan,Hong Kong, and mainland China. The organizing committeeof the China Collection Expo awarded him the honorarytitle of "Most Valuable Artist in the ChineseCalligraphy and Painting Collection Market" incontemporary times,
Some of his works, such as "Sending Water to theMountains and Welcoming Spring", "Zhong Kui's DivinePower Picture", "Eight Immortals CelebratingLongevity", "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Grove", etc.,have been honored and included in the Chinese Ministryof Culture, China Federation of Literary and ArtCircles, China Calligraphy Association, ArtistsAssociation, "Collection of Contemporary FamousChinese Calligraphy and Painting Artists at Home andAbroad", "Peak of Chinese Art", Xu Beihong MemorialHall "Leading Figures in Chinese Calligraphy andPainting", "Chinese Art Soul. National LiteraryCelebrity Chen Bing Special Issue", and the National"People's Artists" newspaper Chen Bing Special Issue;China Post has issued postage stamps for "ZhaojunLeaving the Frontier" and a collection of commemorativestamps for the 18th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China, commemorating the 65th anniversary ofthe founding of the People's Republic of China, "Dreamof China", "Glorious 65 Years", and "Commemorating the70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People'sWar of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and theWorld Anti Fascist War" (limited edition collection).Published in 56 countries with the National Rites ofChina, published in the core journal of the Ministryof Culture, Peking University's "Art Mainstream","Culture Monthly", awarded as "China Europe Culturaland Art Envoy" by international and national media andcultural and artistic institutions, "First ChineseNational Merit Artist", "Chinese Celebrity Art ImageAmbassador", awarded as "World Art Meritorious Figure"by UNESCO, "Artist with Both Virtue and Art","Outstanding Chinese Artist in the World", and awardedthe highest award of the Chinese Culture and ArtGovernment Award of the Ministry of Culture of thePeople's Republic of China, the "Wenhua Award" and"Best Creation Award". The Silver Award of the "FiveOnes" Cultural Engineering Award was later publishedby the "Impression of China" program of CCTV as an artcollection and directly submitted to various centralgovernment departments, state-owned enterprises, andart museums. Focusing on the special creation of the19th National Congress Organizing Committee won the[Gold Award], the Chinese Culture Scholar Award, thefirst Human Civilization Contribution Award, and thenthe People's Daily, Xinhua Vision, China Reform Network,China News Network, China Central Television's ChinesePainting and Calligraphy Channel, China Federation ofLiterary and Art Circles Online, China News News,Global Network, World Celebrity Painting andCalligraphy Network, all of which featured headlines,China Celebrity News Network, International EconomicNetwork, International Phoenix Network, and othermedia reported and introduced in Celebrity, People'sArtists, People's Good Painting and Calligraphy, ChenBing - People's Favorite Painter, People's OutstandingArtists and other columns The cover character of the2017-2018 New Year special issue "Art Leaders", the2020 Chinese literary and art circles New Year'sgreetings, and Chen Bing and Fan Dian are speciallyinvited to attend The official Chinese New Yearcalendars of Chen Bing, Yuan Longping, Zhong Nanshan,Huang Xuhua, and Ouyang Zhongshi published in the 2021National Special Experts and Talents magazine by theChina Federation of Literary and Art Circles The workhas participated in several international and nationalexhibitions of renowned artists Sichuan Shehong, aswell as the Hong Kong Beijing Singapore JointExhibition, the Centennial Ceremony China Painting andCalligraphy Art Summit Forum, the China Film CentennialPainting and Calligraphy Exhibition, the Ministry ofCulture and the Ministry of Commerce's specialinvitation Shandong Shouguang National Painting andCalligraphy Exhibition, and the 28th World Heritage CupExhibition. It has won numerous high-quality gold andsilver awards at international, domestic, and nationallevels.
His painting achievements have been recorded inmore than 60 classic books, including "World FiguresDictionary", "World Celebrity List", "ChineseGeneration Fangjia", "Chinese Library level Artists","Chinese Celebrity Encyclopedia", "Chinese ExpertCelebrity Dictionary", "Chinese Celebrity Family","Chinese Perfect Artists", "People's Artists","Chinese Master of Art", "Lifetime AchievementEncyclopedia of Outstanding Experts of the Republic",and "Pride of the People - Witnessing ChineseMainstream Figures" and "The Most Adorable People ofContemporary Times" compiled and published by theJapanese History Commission of the People's Republicof China.