黄伟,笔名九渊,号霍山一剑,1945 年生。学者、诗人,中国著名艺术家和特级书法师,曾任深圳市一类国企领导,以学术成就和诗书作品名世。是中国“流域生态经济战略理论”带头人。现任中国北京.人民大会堂书画艺术顾问,联合国金砖国家文化理事会会长、联合国非遗传承人和世界非物质文化传承人,联合国美术家协会执委主席兼联合国教科文组织顾问。
在诗书创作中,追求艺术与内容的统一,不拘一格,用不同的笔意笔调表现作品不同的意蕴、意韵、意境和意趣,形成气象博大,富有时代气息的“尚情重意”新书风,获得巨大的社会影响力。成为“国家十四五规划文化建设奖”获得者,荣授“国家十四五文化建设先锋旗手”和“人民艺术家”等荣誉称号。2019 年国家机关出版《风华古韵/G20(大阪)峰会/中国文化艺术代表黄伟书法特刊》,作为国家最高领导赠送各国首脑政要的礼品。2021 年《联合国日报》出版《黄伟艺术专刋》发行全球会员国。2024 年 1 月我国外亊工作委员会办公室选用黄伟《福缘善庆》书法作品由景德镇制成高档瓷盘国礼赠送联合国,对联合国将我国春节定为联合国假日表示诚挚的祝福和祝贺。黄伟对人类和世界的贡献,荣获“联合国人类文化贡献奖”,“联合国文化艺术勋章”和“联合国和平勋章”。
Huang Wei, pen name Jiuyuan, nicknamed Huoshan Yijian, was born in 1945. Scholar and poet, a famous Chinese artist and top calligrapher, who once served as a leader of a type of state-owned enterprise in Shenzhen, renowned for his academic achievements and poetry works. He is the leader of China's"Basin Ecological Economy Strategy Theory". The current consultant for calligraphy and painting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, President of the United Nations BRICS Cultural Council, United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor and World Intangible Cultural Inheritor,Executive Chairman of the United Nations Artists Association and Advisor to UNESCO.
In the creation of poetry and books, the pursuit of the unity of art and content is not limited to one style, and different brushstrokes and tones are used to express the different meanings, rhymes, moods, and interests of the work,forming a broad and contemporary new style of "valuing emotions and meaning", which has gained tremendous social influence.Becoming a recipient of the "National 14th Five Year Plan Cultural Construction Award" and being honored with honorary titles such as "National 14th Five Year Plan Cultural Construction Pioneer Flagbearer" and "People's Artist". In 2019, the state organs published the "Fenghua Guyun/G20 (Osaka)Summit/Chinese Cultural and Art Representative Huang Wei Calligraphy Special Issue" as a gift from the highest leadership of the country to leaders and dignitaries of various countries. In 2021, the United Nations Daily published the Huang Wei Art Journal, which was distributed to member countries worldwide. In January 2024, the Office of the China Foreign Affairs Working Committee selected Huang Wei's calligraphy work "Blessing and Good Celebration" to be made into a high-end porcelain plate from Jingdezhen and presented it as a national gift to the United Nations. We express our sincere blessings and congratulations to the United Nations fordesignating the Chinese New Year as a United Nations holiday.Huang Wei has been awarded the United Nations Human Culture Contribution Award, the United Nations Cultural and Art Medal, and the United Nations Peace Medal for his contributions to humanity and the world.