吕娟 ( 千焆) 女、汉族、文艺学博 士、国家一级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、中央美术学院客座教授、哈佛大学艺术学院 客座教授、加拿大维多利亚皇家艺术学院客 座教授。出生于历史悠久文化底蕴深厚的河南省郑州市,自幼在良好的家境熏陶下酷爱绘画,90 年代初弃医从文到日本留学,学习文学与艺术。师承中国水墨画画家金醒石先生、日本画画家福田千恵女士,经过多年的潜心学 习和研究水墨、岩彩等绘画方法、历史及理论,探索出自己独树一帜的绘画风格。作品 被联合国非物质文化遗产基金会及世界六个 国家同时发行纪念邮票。独特的《樱花》作品被选入日本新日春展、新加坡美术大展、法国巴黎卢浮宫国际艺术沙 龙展等,荣获北京冬奥会艺术形象大使荣誉、由日本邮政局发行纪念邮票,并获奥艺委颁发的共建者荣誉,受邀出席在希腊雅典扎皮翁宮举办的首届奧藝盛大启幕展。代表作品曾发表在《人民艺术家》《中国美术学史》《国家墨宝》《共和国美术大典》《时代人物》《大道同行》《世界艺术年鉴》《榮宝斋》《美术之窗》等,曾多次获得国际各种奖项,并被誉为“樱花女王”。他对中西方绘画的相通之处有独到的见解,并尝试在两者的契合点上探索和尝试创新。作为一名艺术家,他尊重传统,但不受旧范束缚,并专注于表达生命体验。是中国艺术的传播者、传统文化的继承者、国际文化的促进者。
Lv Juan (born in the year of the QingDynasty), female, Han ethnicity, PhD in literature and art, national first-class artist, member of the China Artists Association, visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, visiting professor at the Harvard University School of Art, and visiting professor at the Royal College of Arts Victoria, Canada. Born in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province with a long history and profound cultural heritage, he has been fond of painting since childhood under the influence of a good family background. In the early 1990s, he abandoned medicine and went to Japan to study literature and art. After years of dedicated learning and research on painting methods,history, and theories such as ink painting and rock color, Mr. Jin Xingshi, a Chinese ink painter, and Ms. Fukuda Qianchi, a Japanese painter, has developed his own unique painting style. The work has been issued commemorative stamps by the UnitedNations Intangible Cultural Heritage Foundation and six countries around the world simultaneously. The unique work"Cherry Blossoms"was selected for the Japan New Year Spring Exhibition, Singapore Art Exhibition, Paris Louvre International Art Salon Exhibition, etc. It was honored as the Art Ambassador of the Beijing Winter Olympics, issued commemorative stamps by the Japan Post Office, and awarded the honor of co founder by the Olympic Art Commission. It was invited to attend the first Olympic grand opening exhibition held at the Zappon Palace in Athens, Greece. His representative works have been published in works such as"People's Artists","History of Chinese Art Studies","National Ink Treasures","Art Encyclopedia of the Republic","Figures of the Times","Walking Together on the Great Way","World Art Yearbook","Rongbaozhai","Window of Art", etc. He has won various international awards and is known as the"Sakura Queen". He has unique insights intothe similarities between Chinese and Western painting, and attempts to explore andinnovate in the intersection between the two.As an artist, he respects tradition but is not bound by old norms, and focuses on expressing life experiences. He is a disseminator of Chinese art, inheritor of traditional culture, and promoter of international culture.