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  Let us work together to incorporate the concept of peace into the art of painting and calligraphy.Through the talent and creativity of artists, let us give voice to peace. Let these works full of peace forcebe displayed and disseminated in all corners of the world.



  高明柱,1952 年生人,字敬之,号寻径斋,祖籍河南邓州,居北京,中共党员,毛体书法家,诗人,国学大师,百年巨匠,“五个一工程”奖获得者。现为国艺委书画艺术博物馆馆长,国际非物质文化艺术促进会会长,中国书画研究中心书法组委会会长,被中国文联与文化部文化艺术人才中心聘任为新时代文化艺术人才中心艺术顾问,中国东方文化研究会社会艺术专业委员会艺术顾问,中国传统文化发展委员会顾问,中国翰林书画院副院长,中央艺术名家书画院名誉院长,中央美术学院书法系客座教授。担任全国艺术职称考级中心首席专家,中国通俗文艺研究会理事,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,人民美术艺术家委员会委员,苏富比研究所研究员。中国国宾礼形象大使,中国艺坛流派宗师,“兰亭高明柱体”字体设计师。中国非物质文化遗产传承人物,创建首批中国文化名人工作室:高明柱工作室、高明柱艺术馆。被授予:东方之子、一代方家、人民艺术家、中国当代十大德艺双馨艺术家,中国当代十大文化学者,获书法艺术硕士学位,法兰西皇家美术学院艺术学博士学位。荣获中国文学艺术界学术奖,中国文化艺术节终身成就奖:金猴奖、金鸡奖、金犬奖。出版有《高明柱书法集》《艺术巨匠·高明柱》《百年巨匠·艺术典藏民族艺术名家高明柱作品精选》《中国国宾礼形象大使·高明柱》《CCTV 焦点人物·高明柱》《艺坛风云人物·艺术名家高明柱》《国学大家·高明柱名帖国家宝藏级艺术家鉴赏与收藏》《一代方家·高明柱名家艺术鉴赏》《一带一路高峰论坛·中国著名书法家高明柱》《中国近现代名家书法集》高明柱卷大红袍专辑等,《鉴藏·中国近现代书画名家精品集》一书惠赠国家图书馆。

  Gao Mingzhu, born in 1952, with the courtesy name Jingzhi and the pen name Xunjingzhai, is originally from Dengzhou, Henan Province, and resides in Beijing. He is a member of the Communist Party of China, a calligrapher in Maostyle, a poet, a master of traditional Chinese culture, a centuryold master, and a recipient of the "Five One Project" award. Iam currently the director of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Museum of the National Arts Commission, the president of the International Association for the Promotion of Intangible Cultural Arts, and the chairman of the Calligraphy Organizing Committee of the China Calligraphy and Painting Research Center. I have been appointed as an art consultant for the NewEra Culture and Art Talent Center by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Cultural and Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture, an art consultant for the Social ArtProfessional Committee of the China Eastern Culture Research Association, an advisor to the China Traditional Culture Development Committee, the vice president of the China Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Academy, the honorary president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Calligraphy and Painting, and a visiting. Served as the Chief Expert of the National Art Professional Title Examination Center, Director of the Chinese Popular Literature and Art Research Association, Deputy Secretary General of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Society, Member of the People's Fine Arts Artists Committee, and Researcher a Sotheby's Research Institute. Chinese Ambassador of the State Guest Ceremony, Master of Chinese Art Schools, and Designer of the "Lanting Gaoming Column" Font. Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritors and creators of the first batch of Chinese cultural celebrity studios: Gao Mingzhu Studio and Gao Mingzhu Art Museum. Awarded: Son of the Orient, a generation of Fang family, People's Artist, one of the top ten contemporary Chinese artists with both virtue and art, one of the top ten contemporary Chinese cultural scholars, with a Master's degree in Calligraphy and a PhD in Art from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France. He has won the AcademicAward of Chinese Literature and Art Circles, and the Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Culture and Art Festival: Golden Monkey Award, Golden Rooster Award Award, and Golden Dog Award. He has published Collected Calligraphy of Gao Mingzhu, Artist · Gao Mingzhu, Centennial Master · Art Collection, Selected Works of National Artist Gao Mingzhu, Image Ambassador of China's State Guests · Gao Mingzhu, CCTV Focus Person · Gao Mingzhu, Artist · Gao Mingzhu, Chinese Scholar · Gao Mingzhu, National Treasure level Artist Appreciation and Collection of National Famous Calligraphy, Generation Fang · Gao Mingzhu, the Belt and Road Summit Forum · China's Famous Calligrapher Gao Mingzhu, Calligraphy Collection of Chinese Modern Masters, Gao Mingzhu's Big Red Robe Album, etc. A collection of fine works of modern Chinese calligraphers and painters will be presented to the National Library.


  高明柱先生受祖辈的影响和熏陶,自幼酷爱书法、诗词,先后毕业于河南书法函授院,中国书协书法培训中心研修班,上世纪 60 年代初执笔学习楷书,70 年代学习隶书、篆书及毛主席的诗词手书,80 年代始学习王羲之书法及历代名家书法,数十年如一日默默耕耘,临池不辍。在创作过程中善于汲取前人的经验和艺术精华,主张艺术源于生活,从平凡的生活中挖掘素材,擅长观察思考、提炼、升华,并获取创作灵感,师古不泥,大胆创新,经过反复锤炼,逐步形成了用笔圆润,线条流畅,潇洒飘逸的艺术风格,创作出大量为人称道的优秀作品,受到了范曾、欧阳中石、张海、单国强等老一辈艺术家的高度评价。范曾先生在人民大学国学开讲时提到高明柱是在“用心写字”并题“诗书皆佳”相赠。权希军先生在高明柱大红袍专辑的序言中写到:“高明柱先生的书法,从运笔、用墨、布局、章法等来看,其作品布局严谨而不呆板,灵动而不杂乱,行草挥洒自如,古韵悠长而刚柔并济。笔墨变化多姿,潇洒飘逸,既有浑厚苍劲的气劲,又有温柔秀雅的情韵,承传统于字里行间,出新度于法度之外。真正做到了思想性,艺术性,观赏性的统一,德艺双馨,已具有名家风范且能为其他书家创作提升提供了可凭借鉴的有益启示。”欧阳中石先生也精辟的评点其高明柱的书法:“综观他的书法作品使人感到新而不薄,就【鸿图国韵】来说,华而不媚,成篇作品不失法度,少字作品不失大器,柔刚相济,雄秀并举,血肉丰满,结构天成。师古而不泥古,求新而不取宠。此乃众多古人铸于心、予以笔,集百家之长融于他自己。”单国强先生在《逸笔生辉纵横开阖——观高明柱作品有感》一文中写到:“欣赏高明柱先生的书法作品,便会不由自主地被一股强大的书卷气概深深吸引。尤其是他的众幅行草书作品,更是令人叹为观止!书中首以二王、米南宫为根基,而后不仅深入参透了怀素、张旭、米芾等先贤笔意,同时对毛体书法的挥毫气象也是有所兼取融汇,此真是得其笔法而不徒其貌似,不泥古法,不执己见,惟在活而已矣!”博采众长的书法家高明柱,他的行草取毛体之狂放,融二王之韵致,摄米南宫之笔意,挥洒自如,活泼灵动,古韵悠长而刚柔并济,雅俗共赏,开一代行草风格。

  Mr. Gao Mingzhu was influenced and influenced by hisancestors, and has had a passion for calligraphy and poetrysince childhood. He graduated from Henan CalligraphyCorrespondence College and the Calligraphy Training Center ofthe China Book Association. In the early 1960s, he startedlearning regular script, clerical script, seal script, and ChairmanMao's poetry handwriting. In the 1980s, he began learningWang Xizhi's calligraphy and the calligraphy of famouscalligraphers throughout history. He has been working quietlyfor decades, never stopping by the pond. In the process ofcreation, he is good at drawing on the experience and essenceof art of previous generations, advocates that art comes fromlife, excavates materials from ordinary life, and is good atobserving, thinking, refining, sublimating, and obtainingcreative inspiration. He learns from the past without mud,innovates boldly, and after repeated tempering, gradually formsan artistic style of rounded pen, smooth lines, natural andelegant, and creates a large number of outstanding works thatare praised by people, and is highly praised by older artists suchas Fan Zeng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Zhang Hai, and Shan Guoqiang. Mr. Fan Zeng mentioned during a lecture on Chinese studies atRenmin University that Gao Mingzhu was "writing with heart"and inscribed "poetry and books are both excellent" as a gift. Inthe preface of Gao Mingzhu's Da Hong Pao album, Mr. QuanXijun wrote: "Mr. Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy, from theperspective of brushwork, ink use, layout, and composition, isrigorous but not rigid in layout, agile but not disorderly, andfreely flowing in cursive style. The ancient charm is long andstrong, and the combination of softness and hardness isharmonious. The brushwork is varied and elegant, with both astrong and vigorous spirit and a gentle and elegant charm,inheriting tradition between the lines and lines, and creatingnew insights beyond the limits of the law. It truly achieves theunity of ideological, artistic, and ornamental qualities, and has adual fragrance of morality and art. It has the style of a famouscalligrapher and can provide useful inspiration for othercalligraphers to improve their creations." Ouyang Zhong. Mr. Shialso gave insightful comments on the calligraphy of GaoMingzhu: "Overall, his calligraphy works make people feel newbut not thin, just like the 'Hongtu Guoyun' In terms of beauty, apiece of work should not lose its sense of propriety, a fewwords should not lose its grandeur, a combination of softnessand hardness, a balance of grandeur and beauty, a full body offlesh and blood, and a natural structure. Learn from the pastbut not cling to it, seek novelty but not win favor. This is forgedin the heart and given to the pen by many ancient people,integrating the strengths of hundreds of families into himself Mr. Shan Guoqiang wrote in his article "Reflections on GaoMingzhu's Calligraphy Works with the Radiance of Yi Pen, Horizontal Opening and Closing": "Appreciating Mr. GaoMingzhu's calligraphy works, one cannot help but be deeplyattracted by a powerful calligraphic spirit. Especially his manycursive calligraphy works are even more breathtaking! The bookis first based on the Two Kings and the Minan Palace, and thennot only deeply understands the brushwork of ancient sagessuch as Huai Su, Zhang Xu, and Mi Fu, but also integrates thebrushwork style of Mao style calligraphy. This is truly areflection of his brushwork, not just his appearance, notsticking to ancient techniques, not holding onto his ownopinions, but just living! The long calligrapher Gao Mingzhu, with his wild and unrestrained cursive style, blends the charmof the two kings, captures the brushwork of the Minan Palace, and is free and flowing, lively and agile. The ancient charm islong and gentle, and is appreciated by both the refined and thepopular, Create a new generation of cursive style.

  书法直取自然万象入书,大气磅礴,匠心独具,其作品大开大合而不失肃穆儒雅,潇洒飘逸而不失浑厚稳重,痛快淋漓而不失规矩法度,实可谓动中寓静,以静致动,静以动美,动因静生,妙趣无穷,苍静有力,气度非凡,美不胜收,有滚滚风云一泻千里之势,自成一体。当代评论家玉山先生则评其高明柱书法称道:“高明柱的行草书,取毛体之豪放,融二王之遒劲,摄米南宫之率意欹险,行笔婉转流畅,洒脱自然,笔锋颖脱,墨线内转外拓,大开大合,露锋以纵其神,藏锋以包其势,字字之间或欹斜、映带、揖让、向背、偃仰、错落奇崛,勾连首尾,上下呼应,纵横布局,跳宕回环,一气贯注,势不可挡。通篇之下而又绵绵不绝,如江流绕芳甸,豪畅奔流。笔墨疾徐纵横,如激雷跳荡,风卷残云,字态龙腾虎跃,惊蛇入草,飞鸟入林,而收笔又无往不复,无垂不缩。除草书外,高明柱的行书遒厚丰润,格调清新,结字笔画均承法度而又新颖独到,呈现出清润秀逸、儒雅朴茂、高古邵秀之美”。中国新闻网评其高明柱书法:“高明柱老师的书法创作理念具有合理性,其创作实践也证明具有现实可行性和可借鉴意义,获中国书法界广泛认可。我们今天看他的作品,已经不能以传统意义上的书法来看待。他与众不同的地方就在于他思考传统、反思传统,这是他对当前书法的最大贡献。他的书法是改革开放和中华民族伟大复兴时代的产物,是 21 世纪习近平新时代中国特色社会主义时代之产物。它沿自传统是中国书法艺术发展至今的新创,它表明中华国粹之书法艺术没有衰落,依然充满着持续旺盛的生命力。”人民美术网在“感受深厚底蕴——人民艺术家高明柱书法欣赏”报道中评其高明柱书法:“高明柱先生作品,行施武功的连贯之法,大笔雄墨,如风似电,一笔而成,行笔施墨,让人眼花不解其轨,唯在凝神聚气之后,悟其定势之威。先生的笔墨张驰有力,字体苍劲飞动,字形宽广顿挫,能够表达出,心胸宽广的品德修养。先看作品整体感觉,再看细节特征,章法改变,结体夸张,浓淡相宜,使视觉冲击力出现了更多的节奏和韵律变化。高明柱先生的作品体现着他书法的根深底色,显示了他书法的文人潇洒,性情与法度结合和谐显成臻美的精彩。先生有潇洒却不浅薄,显张力远离轻薄,有法有度,自由风流,逸如云烟,相当悦目。有粗细立体的独特表达,字字可突盈纸面,大有空间质感!

  Calligraphy directly incorporates all natural phenomenainto the book, with grandeur and unique craftsmanship. Itsworks are grand and elegant without losing solemnity andelegance, graceful and elegant without losing richness andstability, and full of pain and emotion without losing regularityand regularity. It can be said that stillness is mixed with stillness, using stillness to move, stillness to move beauty, the motive isstillness and vitality, infinite charm and power, extraordinaryaura, beauty beyond measure, with the momentum of rollingwinds and clouds flowing for thousands of miles, forming aunique whole. Mr. Yushan, a contemporary critic, praised GaMingzhu's calligraphy as follows: "Gao Mingzhu's cursive scripttakes the boldness of the Mao style, blends the strength of thetwo kings, and captures the dangerous and graceful meaning ofthe Minan Palace. The strokes are gentle and smooth, free andeasy, with a sharp edge. The ink lines turn inward and outward, opening and closing wide, exposing the front to express itsspirit, and concealing the front to encompass its momentum. The characters are slanted, reflecting, yielding, backward, andinclined, staggered and unique, connecting the beginning andend, echoing vertically and horizontally, jumping and loopingback and forth, and flowing in one breath, unstoppable. Throughout the entire text, it is continuous and continuous. Endless, like a river flowing around Fangdian, with a majesticand flowing flow. The strokes of the brush are swift andhorizontal, like thunder and waves, the wind rolling andlingering clouds, the form of the characters soaring like dragonsand tigers, snakes entering the grass, birds entering the forest, and the strokes are unstoppable, without drooping or shrinking.In addition to weeding books, Gao Mingzhu's cursive script isthick and rich, with a fresh style. The strokes of the charactersare consistent with the rules and are novel and unique, presenting a beauty of elegance, simplicity, and elegance. Inthe report "Appreciating the Calligraphy of People's Artist GaoMingzhu and Feeling the Profound Heritage", People's Fine ArtsNetwork commented on Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy: "Mr. GaoMingzhu's works are characterized by the coherent use ofmartial arts techniques, large amounts of powerful ink, likewind or electricity, created in one stroke, and the ink applied ineach stroke is so dazzling that people's eyes cannot understandits trajectory. Only after concentrating and gathering energy canone realize the power of its fixed pattern. Mr. Gao Mingzhu'sbrushwork is vigorous and powerful, the font is vigorous andvigorous, and the character shape is broad and undulating, which can express his broad minded moral cultivation. First,look at the overall feeling of the work, then look at the detailsand characteristics, the changes in composition, theexaggerated structure, and the appropriate intensity andlightness, which make the visual impact appear more rhythmicand rhythmic changes. Mr.'s works reflect the deep foundationof his calligraphy, showcasing the literary elegance of hiscalligraphy, the harmonious combination of temperament andtechnique, and the exquisite beauty of his calligraphy. Thegentleman has a carefree yet not shallow demeanor, showingtension and avoiding frivolity. He has a sense of propriety andfreedom, exuding a carefree and elegant atmosphere likeclouds and smoke, which is quite pleasing to the eye. There is aunique expression of thickness and dimensionality, and wordscan protrude from the paper surface, providing a spacioustexture!

  这是感性与理性相互加持的书法奇观。这样的书法作品,可以装饰万家屏障,成为先生在书坛大颂口碑的见证。”中国文联办公厅罗扬主任在《师先贤以驱毫端 继传统以立正宗——记著名书法家高明柱》一文中写到:“纵观历代翰墨书法,是自有晋人尚韵、唐人尚法、宋人尚意之概论,然无论哪朝哪代,书法家们也尽皆都是坚守着一个理念,即‘师古不泥,法古为今’。此正如清人王淑于〈论书滕语〉一书中所言,是谓自运在服古,临古须有我。两者合之则双美,离之则伤神。而在当代书坛界内,高明柱先生则无疑就是属于一位极具代表性的时代名家!其书法造诣可尽收昔人真迹,笔墨功底更是能在数十余载的临池问道中积淀至深,如此真是胸中餍饫而又腕下精熟也!”著名书画艺术评论家石峰先生评其高明柱书法:“走进他的书法世界,一眼望过,满满的碑帖功夫,凌空杀纸写下的书法作品都是令人赏心悦目的翰墨经典。极为可贵的是,他的书法作品已经获得国家字体专利,冠名以‘兰亭高明柱体’,拥有字库级的文化价值,可以古今相续,恒流传!建此功绩,即是欧阳询之创欧体,赵子昂之成赵体!中国书法百花齐放,独有一家之体,功垂千秋万众敬仰,所以他创建的高明柱工作室、高明柱艺术馆亦是中国书法文化弘扬的卓越平台,起着引领方向、率先垂范的文化推动力!”

  This is a calligraphy spectacle where sensibility andrationality complement each other. Such calligraphy works candecorate the barriers of thousands of households and become awitness to the great reputation of the master in the calligraphyworld Director Luo Yang of the General Office of the ChinaFederation of Literary and Art Circles wrote in his article"Learning from the Sages to Drive Away the Scar and Inherit theTradition to Establish the Authenticity: A Record of FamousCalligrapher Gao Mingzhu": "Throughout the history ofcalligraphy and ink, there has been an introduction to the Jinpeople's emphasis on rhyme, the Tang people's emphasis onlaw, and the Song people's emphasis on meaning. However, regardless of which dynasty or generation, calligraphers havealways adhered to one concept, that is, 'learning from the pastis not muddy, and following the past is for the present.' AsWang Shu of the Qing Dynasty said in her book" On theLanguage of Calligraphy and Painting ", it is said that selfmovement is in serving the past, and there must be oneselfwhen facing the past. When the two are combined, they areboth beautiful; when they are separated, it hurts the spirit. InMr. Gao Mingzhu is undoubtedly a highly representative masterof his time! His calligraphy skills can be found in authenticworks from the past, and his brush and ink skills can be deeplyaccumulated in more than ten years of questioning by Linchi. He is truly satisfied in his heart and proficient under his wrist Mr. Shi Feng, a renowned art critic of calligraphy and painting, commented on his Gao Mingzhu calligraphy: "Walking into hisworld of calligraphy, at a glance, one can see that his calligraphyworks are full of inscriptions and calligraphy skills, and hiscalligraphy works written on paper are all pleasing to the eye. What is extremely valuable is that his calligraphy works haveobtained national font patents, named 'Lanting Gao Mingzhu', with cultural value at the level of a font library, which cancontinue to be passed down from ancient to modern times! Theestablishment of this achievement is the creation of OuyangXun's European style and Zhao Ziang's creation of Zhao style!Chinese calligraphy is diverse and unique, with a unique stylethat will be admired by the people for generations to come. Therefore, the Gao Mingzhu Studio and Gao Mingzhu Artcreated by him have achieved great success. The museum isalso an excellent platform for promoting Chinese calligraphyculture, playing a leading and exemplary cultural driving force


  高明柱老师系 2008 首届全国十佳毛体书法家,2009 年度感动中国十大艺术骄子,2011 第二届中国最具网络人气美术家十大年度人物。 2012 年中央电视台先锋中国先锋会客厅以“东方之子·高明柱”为题作三十分钟的专题报道;2013年为纪念毛主席诞辰 120 周年,向毛主席诞辰 120 周年献礼,120 幅书法作品在中华世纪坛世界艺术馆成功展出,名家对话栏目作二十分钟的专题报道;2015 年天津人民美术出版社出版发行【中国近现代名家书法集】高明柱卷大红袍专辑2000 册,全国新华书店经销。被中国非物质文化遗产办公室授予:“中国非物质文化遗产出版物”并授予:高明柱“中国非物质文化遗产传承人物”;中国非物质文化遗产艺术委员会以《中国近现代名家书法集》命名“高明柱大红袍名家工作室”;2017 年广东广播电视台古韵今谈栏目以“中国著名书法家高明柱”为题作专题报道;2018 年书法作品作为国礼赠送给吉尔吉斯共和国总理府收藏,人民日报袭古创今栏目人物专访以高明柱“继古人之神韵、开时代之新风”为题作 10 分钟的专题报道;2019 年文化部艺术发展中心资质认证:“当代著名书法家”,国学文化艺术中心专业艺术委员会决定正式授予:高明柱“国学大师”。2020 年 8 月中华人民共和国文化高级职称,国家高级美术师职称评审委员会评审书法类资质认证:高明柱“国家高级书法师”,书法作品润格:每平方尺 80000——150000 元;2021 年高明柱书法作品被国家版权局登记,兰亭字库工程工作委员会研究决定,高明柱字体纳入兰亭字库并命名为“兰亭·高明柱体”;2022年 12 月 18 日,高明柱创作的书法作品《长城》、《长征颂》经编委会评审,分别入编国家文化公园主题画册长城篇、长征篇;2024 年 1 月担任中央美术学院书法系客座教授,书法作品毛泽东沁园春·雪荣获第十六届精神文明建设“五个一工程”优秀作品奖。

  Teacher Gao Mingzhu is one of the top ten Mao stylecalligraphers in China in 2008, one of the top ten artists whomoved China in 2009, and one of the top ten most popularonline artists in China in 2011. In 2012, the CCTV Pioneer ChinaPioneer Reception Room gave a 30 minute special report titled"Son of the East: Gao Mingzhu"; In 2013, to commemorate the120th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao, a gift waspresented. 120 calligraphy works were successfully exhibited atthe World Art Museum of the China Century Altar, and a 20minute special report was given in the dialogue column offamous artists; In 2015, Tianjin People's Fine Arts PublishingHouse published and distributed 2000 copies of the "Collectionof Chinese Modern and Contemporary Famous Calligraphers" Gao Mingzhu Scroll Big Red Robe album, which was distributedby Xinhua Bookstore nationwide. Awarded by the ChinaIntangible Cultural Heritage Office as "China Intangible CulturalHeritage Publication" and awarded to Gao Mingzhu as "ChinaIntangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor"; The China IntangibleCultural Heritage Art Committee named the "Gao Mingzhu DaHong Pao Master Studio" after the "Collection of Calligraphy byFamous Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters"; In 2017, Guangdong Radio and Television Station's Ancient Rhyme Talkprogram gave a special report on the topic of "Famous ChineseCalligrapher Gao Mingzhu"; In 2018, calligraphy works werepresented as a national gift to the collection of the PrimeMinister's Office of the Kyrgyz Republic. The People's Dailyconducted a 10 minute special report on Gao Mingzhu's "Inheriting the Spirit of the ancients and Opening up a New Era"in the "Ancient Creation Today" column; In 2019, thequalification certification of the Art Development Center of theMinistry of Culture was awarded as "Contemporary FamousCalligrapher", and the Professional Art Committee of theChinese Culture and Art Center officially awarded Gao Mingzhuas "Master of Chinese Studies". In August 2020, Gao Mingzhuwas awarded the title of "National Senior Calligraphy Master" by the National Senior Artist Title Evaluation Committee for theevaluation of calligraphy qualifications in the People's Republicof China. His calligraphy works were polished at a rate of 80000to 150000 yuan per square foot; In 2021, Gao Mingzhu'scalligraphy works were registered by the National CopyrightAdministration. The Lanting Font Library Project WorkingCommittee decided to include Gao Mingzhu font in the LantingFont Library and named it "Lanting · Gao Mingzhu Font"; OnDecember 18, 2022, the calligraphy works "The Great Wall" and"Ode to the Long March" created by Gao Mingzhu wereevaluated by the warp knitting committee and included in thenational cultural park theme album "The Great Wall" and "TheLong March" respectively; In January 2024, he became a visitingprofessor in the Calligraphy Department of the CentralAcademy of Fine Arts. His calligraphy work, Mao ZedongQinyuan Chun Xue, won the Excellent Work Award of the 16th"Five One Project" for spiritual civilization construction.


  The calligraphy work Mao Zedong's "Spring Snow inQinyuan" is engraved on the New Great Wall in Badaling, China. The works are included in "Decision China Network · ChinaInfluential Figures Database", "Classic Nanyang", "HenanPeople", "China in Art", "Republic Memory · Art Chapter", "Era · New Flag", "People's Republic Yearbook", "China ArtYearbook", "China Art Collection", "Artist Biography", "CulturalMonthly", "Art Life", "Centennial Giant", "Book World Giant", "Never Forget the Original Aspiration", "Hong Kong Impression", "Palace Museum Collection", "People's Art", "People's Artists", "Art Inheritance", "Great Nation Masters", "Gold Medal Artists","National Gift Art Masters", "Contemporary Chinese CalligraphyHistory", "Chinese Art Treasures", "Contemporary National ArtMasterpieces", "Touching World Art Giants", "TransmissionClassic of the World: Masters' Style" and "Art Inheritance:Appreciation of Chinese Celebrity Calligraphy and PaintingWorks" The National Cultural Park Theme Album - Collector'sEdition, National Academician - Famous CalligraphyAcademician of New China, New Chinese Poetry Encyclopedia, Three Hundred New Chinese Poems, Three Hundred NewChinese Classics, Three Hundred New Chinese Classics, andStriving to Create the Peak of Literature and Art in the New Era - Excellent Art Works Collection of the 16th "Five One Project"for Spiritual Civilization Construction.

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