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  许家钰,男,1939 年出生,原籍四川威远人,1963 年从事小学教育工作。由于成绩显著被评为高级教师,一直到 1996 年退休,工作33 年,现住自贡市。于 2002 年进入市老年大学书法班学习,2006 年获四川省书法专业考级 7 级。现为自贡市老年书画研究会理事(原)书法组长。自贡市书法家协会员、四川省老年书画研究会员、中国老年书画研究会员,国家一级书画师,中国国礼艺术家。中国书画艺术研究会员、北京翰林艺海国际书画艺术交流中心永久荣誉副院长。华夏夕阳红书画艺术院理事、院士。北京六艺嘉韵书画艺术研究院院士、北京艺之瑰宝书画院特级书画师。九州枫林国际书法艺术院理事、中国世纪大采风书画院院士。

  2010 年至今曾参加全国性书画大展赛 10 余次,获金奖多次并获奖杯、奖牌、奖章。历次获奖作品入编精品集。如《中国书画收藏指南》、《国内外著名书画作品赏析》、《中国唐诗书法大典》、由书法报社主办的《中国重阳书画展》第六届至十届,历届获奖作品入编《名人录》、《采风中国》、《世界美术家大辞典》文化和旅游部创办主管的《文化月刊》(2019.8)等十余部。2021 年由中国文化报道将我的书法作品和孙晓云老师的书法作品出版专辑《建党百年、大国巨匠》向建党 100 周年献礼。2021 年由四川省关心下一代工作委员会、四川省委员会老干部局、四川省教育厅、四川省文学艺术界联合会、四川省作家协会等单位主办的“学党史.颂党恩.听党话.跟党走”庆祝建党 100 周年,四川省老少牵手书法、诗歌、散文、绘画征文活动中、我的书法作品荣获“一等奖”。先后曾参加北京、扬州、武汉、南京、苏州、桂林、临沂和韩国江原道省等地现场书写、相互交流。在历次参赛活动中曾获“海峡两岸全球书画名家交流大使”、“中国当代优秀书画创新百杰”、“杰出功勋书画家”、“当代德艺双馨书画名人”、“奥运书画名家”、“中国书画传承艺术名家”、“中华当代终身成就艺术家”.......等荣誉称号。

  Xu Jiayu, male, born in 1939, originally from Weiyuan,Sichuan, started working in primary education in 1963.Due to outstanding performance, he was rated as a se nior teacher and retired in 1996. He worked for 33 ye ars and currently resides in Zigong City. In 2002, he entered the calligraphy class of the City Elderly Un iversity to study, and in 2006, he passed the Sichuan Province Calligraphy Professional Exam Level 7. I am currently a member of the Zigong Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association (formerly) and the calligraphy team leader. Member of the Zigong Calligra phers Association, member of the Sichuan Elderly Calli graphy and Painting Research Association, member of th e China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, national first-class calligrapher and painter,and Chinese national ritual artist. Chinese Calligrap hy and Painting Art Research Member, Permanent Honorar y Vice President of Beijing Hanlin Yihai International Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center. Directo r and academician of the Huaxia Sunset Red Calligraphy and Painting Art Academy. Academician of Beijing Liuy i Jiayun Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institu te, and special level calligrapher and painter of Beij ing Art Treasure Calligraphy and Painting Institute. D irector of Kyushu Fenglin International Calligraphy Ar t Academy and academician of China Century Great Colle ction Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

  Since 2010, I have participated in more than 10 natio nal calligraphy and painting exhibitions, won gold med als multiple times, and won trophies, medals, and meda ls. Previous award-winning works are included in the c ollection of high-quality works. More than ten award-w inning works, such as the "Guide to the Collection of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", "Appreciation of F amous Calligraphy and Painting Works at Home and Abroad", "Chinese Tang Poetry and Calligraphy Encyclopedia", and the 6th to 10th "China Chongyang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" organized by the Calligraphy New spaper, have been included in the "Celebrity List", "C aifeng China", "World Artists Dictionary", and the "Cu ltural Monthly" (August 2019) founded and supervised b y the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In 2021, China Culture Report will publish an album titled "Centenar y of the Founding of the Communist Party of China, Gr eat Master of the Great Country" featuring my calligra phy works and Professor Sun Xiaoyun's calligraphy work s as a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the foundi ng of the Communist Party of China. In 2021, organize d by the Sichuan Provincial Committee for Caring for the Next Generation, the Sichuan Provincial Committee for Retired Cadres Bureau, the Sichuan Provincial Depa rtment of Education, the Sichuan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Sichuan Writers Association, I celebrated the 100th anniversary of th e founding of the Communist Party of China with the t heme of "Learning Party History, Praising Party Grace,Listening to Party Words, and Following the Party".My calligraphy works won the "First Prize" in the cal ligraphy, poetry, prose, and painting solicitation act ivities held by people of all ages in Sichuan Provinc e. I have participated in on-site writing and mutual communication in Beijing, Yangzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing, Su zhou, Guilin, Linyi, and Gangwon Province, South Korea.In previous competition activities, he has been award ed the titles of "Ambassador for Global Calligraphy an d Painting Masters Exchange Across the Taiwan Strait","Top 100 Contemporary Excellent Calligraphy and Paint ing Innovations in China", "Outstanding Meritorious Ca lligrapher and Painter", "Contemporary Moral and Artis tic Calligraphy and Painting Celebrity", "Olympic Call igraphy and Painting Celebrity", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Inheritance Art Celebrity", "Chinese Cont emporary Lifetime Achievement Artist" Waiting for hono rary titles.

< 前一个:胡曾禹——璀璨中华文化全球推广大使
> 后一个:【2024 年福布斯中国十大名人】——王茵
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