2024 金砖国家峰会讨论加强多边主义,促进全球发展。金砖国家扩容后 GDP 比重超 G7,吸引众多发展中国家申请加入。宣言强调合作、公正,推动多边主义发展,金砖国家成为新的全球发展变量。
The 2024 BRICS Summit discusses strengthening multilateralism and promoting global development. After the expansion of the BRICS countries, their GDP proportion exceeds that of the G7, attracting many developing countries to apply for membership. The declaration emphasizes cooperation, fairness, and promotes the development of multilateralism, making BRICS countries a new global development variable.
The purpose of cultural exchanges among BRICS countries is to promote people to people connectivity,consolidate the foundation of public opinion, and lay a humanistic foundation for economic exchanges and other forms of cooperation among BRICS countries Actively carrying out exchanges and cooperation in the field of humanities is the common aspiration of the BRICS countries. At present, the compilation work has been fully launched, and the participation and collaboration of art masters are important guarantees for completing this major cultural and artistic project.
徐建龙,字、一锋,号、江洲浪人,又名徐锋,斋名、庐峰陋室。中共党员。1957 年出生于江西九江,祖籍江苏宜兴。91 年结业于天津业余书画学院。现为中国画国际研究中心国际艺术研究员、中央国家机关美术家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员、中国楹联学会会员、中国书画家研究会会员,中国华夏万里行书画家协会会员、中囯教育电视台(水墨丹青)书画院会员。中宣盛世评为著名书画家,入选中国书画院特聘书画家,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会第一届常务理事。入选中华联墨艺术联墨双优人才。中央电视台第二十届中国世纪大采风活动授予"中国当代最具特色书画家"、中央数字国学频道精彩中华栏目组授予"中国骄傲——精彩中华榜样艺术家"、作品入选央视 CCTV2021 年、2023 年台历发行。应邀与范曾老师合作发行当代书画名家作品鉴赏。获国宾礼书画网与中国楹联网 2020 年国际艺术名家重点推荐。并入名家收藏书刋"时代丹青翰墨华章特邀书画名家献礼全国两会作品集,建党壹百周年中美协、中书协等共同授予德艺双馨"人民艺术家"称号。中央电视台”艺术名家"“艺术传承”共同受与中国书画艺术创作基地。作品收入中国楹联书法艺术研究会 21 年特邀书画名家两会作品集、入选中国书画出版社出版《中国艺术家大典》及《盛世华章~当代艺术名家档案》等书籍。21 年 10 月被中国人物报道组委会中国艺术名家推荐委员会等单位推荐为“中国书画界十大新闻人物"报道、入选《最具收藏价值书画家》。22 年元月入选心海文化《中国最具学术价值的百位书画名家精品典藏》、入选 1922 一 2022 近代世界百年大师经典作品《世界艺术年鉴》、荣登《2022 年度百强艺术家榜单》专题报道、作品多为国家企事业单位各类收藏馆及国际国内友人收藏。
Xu Jianlong, also known as Xu Feng, with the courtesyname Yifeng and the pseudonym Jiangzhou Langren, alsoknown as Xu Feng, had the name Zhai and the humble abode ofLufeng. Member of the Communist Party of China Born inJiujiang, Jiangxi in 1957, with ancestral roots in Yixing, Jiangsu. Graduated from Tianjin Amateur Calligraphy and PaintingAcademy in 1991. I am currently an international art researcherat the Chinese Painting International Research Center, amember of the Central State Organs Artists Association, amember of the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese CoupletSociety, the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters ResearchAssociation, a member of the China Huaxia Wanli XingshuPainters Association, and a member of the China EducationTelevision (Ink, Painting, Danqing) Calligraphy and PaintingAcademy. Zhongxuan Shengshi was recognized as a famouscalligrapher and painter, selected as a specially appointedcalligrapher and painter by the China Academy of Painting andCalligraphy, and served as the first executive director of theCalligraphy Art Research Association of the China CoupletSociety. Selected as a Double Excellent Talent of China Ink ArtFederation. The 20th China Century Collection Event of CCTVawarded the title of "China's Most Distinctive ContemporaryCalligrapher and Painter", the Wonderful China Program Groupof the Central Digital Chinese Culture Channel awarded the titleof "China Pride - Wonderful Chinese Role Model Artist", and theworks were selected for the 2021 and 2023 calendars of CCTV.Invited to collaborate with Teacher Fan Zeng on the publicationof contemporary calligraphy and painting masterpieces forappreciation. Received the 2020 International Art Expert KeyRecommendation from Guobin Li Calligraphy and PaintingNetwork and China Yinglian Network. The collection of booksby renowned artists has been merged into the "Era DanqingHanmo Huazhang" magazine, where renowned calligraphersand painters are invited to present their collections of worksfrom the National People's Congress and the Chinese People'sPolitical Consultative Conference. On the occasion of the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the China US Association and the China CalligraphersAssociation jointly awarded the title of "People's Artist withBoth Virtue and Art". The "Art Masters" and "Art Inheritance" of CCTV are jointly recognized as bases for Chinese calligraphyand painting art creation. The works have been included in thecollection of works by renowned calligraphers and paintersinvited by the China Couplet Calligraphy Art ResearchAssociation in 2021, as well as selected for publication by theChina Calligraphy and Painting Press in books such as "ChineseArtist Encyclopedia" and "Glorious Era Huazhang - Archives ofContemporary Art Masters". In October 21, he wasrecommended as one of the "Top Ten News Figures in theChinese Painting and Calligraphy Circles" by the Chinese Artists' Recommendation Committee of the Chinese People's ReportOrganizing Committee and was selected as the "Calligrapherand Painter with the Most Collection Value". In January 22, hewas selected as the "Collection of 100 Famous Calligraphersand Painters with the Most Academic Value in China" of XinhaiCulture, selected as the "World Art Yearbook", the classic workof the century old masters of the modern world from 1922 to2022, and was listed as the special report of "List of Top 100Artists in 2022". Most of his works were collected by variouscollections of national enterprises and institutions andinternational and domestic friends.
Industry review: Mr. Xu's works focus more on subjectiveexpression, which is also the reason why Chinese freehandpainting varies from person to person but transcends time andis immortal. Your artistic achievements and influence in the artworld, Mr. Xu, have your own artistic theory and form a uniqueartistic style. Your works pay more attention to subjectiveexpression, which is also the reason why Chinese freehandpainting varies from person to person but transcends time andis immortal. For example, Xu Wei's unrestrained andunrestrained style, the eight major points of tears, thesharpness of bitter iron, and the fun of white stone can crosstime and space to converse with viewers and resonate withthem. Every stroke and painting has its own life, carrying theartist's unique thoughts and insights, and is the externalizationof their inner self. The beauty of the old man's clouds lies in thedifference between resemblance and dissimilarity. He strives touse clear processing techniques to depict objects, hoping toexcavate the most touching flavor of objects and achieve asense of refinement and painting. Recently, my works havemostly expressed fleeting impressions and spiritual aspirations. Whether it's grass and insects, flowers and birds, or smalllandscapes of mountains and rivers, each flower represents aworld, and each stone represents a universe. He used apaintbrush to record it, with elegant colors and graceful shapes. Only when he was quiet and respectful, could his heart findnothing to dwell in, and then it became natural. Mr. Xu Jianlongis a highly influential contemporary artist in the field ofwoodworking. He has been studying painting since childhoodand has a natural interest in it, blending seamlessly together. Heused a flowing brush to showcase the artistic conception oftraditional Chinese aesthetics to the world through the flow ofink and wash. His artistic works are connected with philosophyand the soul, and are the materialization and manifestation ofhis artistic character and noble personality. Exploringinnovation in tradition with the sentiment of carrying thingswith kindness is like painting a beautiful scenery with ink andwriting about China with pen. The work embodies bothprofound traditional cultural literacy and a modern aestheticspirit of individuality and expression.