刘朝凯,1941 年出生,四川雅安人。现任中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,四川省美术家协会会员、中国书法艺术研究院教育委员会会员、(北京)宋庄国际画院终身院长、中国书画院高级美术师、中国艺术教育促进会常务理事、北京国创书画院院士,国家一级美术师,国家一级书法师。
其作品分别入编《现代中国绘画》、《世界知识画报美术专集》、《中国美术选集》、《翰墨中国》、《强国丰碑》、《海内外杰出人物风采录》、《世界文化》、《世界艺术》、《2010 年海峡两岸交流展》、《新中国文艺 60 年作品集》、《中国艺术传世宝典-绘画展》、《中日建交 38 周年书画精品选》、应邀入编日本国《美术世界中国画家专页》、《推动中国书画艺术发展三十位卓越人物艺术特刊(纪念版)》、《中国艺魂纪念辛亥革命一百周年专集》(封面人物)等大型艺术刊物及日报发表,并获首届中国传统文化艺术传承奖- 特别成就金奖、首届“中国文化功勋奖”金奖并授予“中国文艺功勋人物"称号、2012 年获“世界杰出华人艺术家”称号,受聘担任“中国艺术人物网"荣誉总编、“中国国际艺术网”终身艺术顾问。
并多次荣获国际、国内绘画作品金奖,受到各种表彰。2008 年应邀参加“第八届中法文化艺术交流"赴法国参展, 参展作品受到法国业内人士赞许,作品荣获金奖,同时获得“中欧文化艺术特使”称号,作品被法国《欧洲时报》张汉钧主任收藏。2010 年赴日本参加“首届中日书画交流精品展”,其参展作品受到好评并被日本国东京画院及日本知名人士收藏、在新中国诞辰七十年之际荣获"新中国百名书画大师榜”书画大师荣誉称号并获荣誉奖牌、奖状及作品入选《新中国百名书画大师榜》“近期,在庆祝中国共产党成立 100周年大型主题活动中,被推选为‘时代榜样人物’光荣进驻国家记忆一一时代榜样 3D 云展馆。并授于‘时代榜样’勋章。21 年 8 月受聘法兰西皇家美术学院博士生导师,并颁授法国艺术与文学司令官勋章。
Liu Chaokai, born in 1941, is from Ya'an, Sichuan.I am currently a member of the China Artists Association,the China Calligraphers Association, the Sichuan Artists Association, the Education Committee of the China Calligraphy Art Research Institute, the Lifetime Dean of the Songzhuang International Painting Academy (Beijing), a Senior Artist of the China Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, an Executive Director of the China Art Education Promotion Association, an academician of the Beijing Guochuang Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a national first-class artist, and a national first-class calligrapher.
His works have been included in "Modern Chinese Painting", "World Knowledge Pictorial Art Collection","Selected Chinese Art", "Hanmo China", "Monument to a Strong Country", "Record of Outstanding Figures at Home and Abroad", "World Culture", "World Art", "2010 Cross Strait Exchange Exhibition", "60 Years of New Chinese Literature and Art Collection", "Chinese Art Heritage Treasure - Painting Exhibition", and "Selected Fine Calligraphy and Painting Works for the 38th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan" Invited to participate in the compilation of large-scale art publications and dailyreports such as Japan's "Art World Chinese Painter Special Page", "30 Outstanding Figures in Promoting the Development of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Special Issue (Commemorative Edition)", "Chinese Art Soul Commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution" (Cover Character), and won the First Chinese Traditional Culture and Art Inheritance Award- Special Achievement Gold Award, and the First"Chinese Culture Merit Award" He was awarded the Gold Award and awarded the title of "Chinese Literary and Art Meritorious Figure". In 2012, he was awarded the title of "World Outstanding Chinese Artist" and was appointed as the Honorary Editor in Chief of "China Art Figure Network" and a lifelong art consultant for"China International Art Network".
And has won multiple international and domestic painting gold awards, receiving various commendations.In 2008, he was invited to participate in the 8th Sino French Cultural and Art Exchange and went to France for exhibition. His exhibited works were praised by French industry insiders, won a gold medal, and was also awarded the title of "China Europe Cultural and ArtEnvoy". His works were collected by Director Zhang Hanjun of the European Times in France. In 2010, he went to Japan to participate in the "First Sino Japanese Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Boutique Exhibition"His exhibited works have received high praise and have been collected by the Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts in Japan and well-known figures in Japan. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of New China, he was awarded the honorary title of "New China's Top 100 Calligraphy and Painting Masters List" and was selected for the "New China's Top 100 Calligraphy and Painting Masters List" with honorary medals, certificates, and works "Recently, in the large-scale theme event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, he was elected as a 'model of the times' and honorably settled in the national memory - the 3D cloud exhibition of the model of the times. He was awarded the medal of' model of the times'. In August 21, he was employed as a doctoral tutor of the Royal French Academy of Fine Arts and awarded the medal of the commander of French art and literature.
生活是创作的唯一源泉,这已被艺术家们所共识。刘朝凯是从四川雅安这雄山秀水孕育出的大自然的崇拜者,他热爱生活,钟情于大自然的山川林海、观其作品,《龙苍沟》、《硗碛印象》、《香何来》、 《向北方》、《基石》、《大渡河畔》等作品。他的画多少以群山为景,以景寄情,画出心灵的梦中家园。这些画作所包含了他独特的生命体验,对山水憧憬,是他情和景的融合。也是他个性化的创作特色。
2016 年 7 月 11 号写于北京