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收藏推荐艺术名家收藏投资风向标—— 徐志敏



  徐志敏:艺名墨老久,字子鸿、润芝,桃溪居士。中国传统艺术(非遗)传承人,江南海派古意山水传承人,一腾。1957 年生于中国五金之都-浙江永康,生活在桃溪故里、清末著名文献学家、荣禄大夫、湖北道台胡凤丹故居-溪岸。出身书香殷富之家,系胡凤丹五世后裔。

  自幼受外祖母王詠芝(齐白石学生-白君)之熏陶,酷爱绘画,爱好广泛。上山下乡期间,一度摆摊画像,云游城乡。曾任永康第二中学美术教师、 永康文化舘业余美术创作小组成员。从业民族、民间传统文化传承与研发。

  现为:中华港澳台侨联谊会联盟书画艺术家委员会副主席;浙江金华市中华港澳台侨联谊会联盟书画艺术委员会主席;中华侨联盟全球和平友谊大使;夏威夷国际文联策展艺术协会副秘书长;中名联国礼签约艺术家;中国文联新文艺群体书画家工作委员会会员;国际报告文学研究会国学文化传承工作委员会委员;中华文化促进会社会艺术水平考级定点机构监考委员;中国书画世界行联合会苏州委员会副主席;中国文化艺术人才管理中心《中国书画名家数据库》会员;中国报道《特聘艺术家》; 《国际名人百科》终身会员;中国齐白石艺术研究院理事、历代书画大师作品鉴定委员;中国齐白石艺术研究院上海联盟副主席;中国齐白石艺术研究院江苏分院副院长、江苏分院院士;中国齐白石艺术研究院佳木斯分院副院长;碧天国宝书画院副院长;佳木斯市赫哲商会副会长;华港书画文化研究院副院长;永康市美术家协会会员;永康市墨久斋文化传播有限公司董事长。现定居杭州西湖区。

















  作品《世界领袖 光耀中华》书法、国画作品由纪念毛泽东主席诞辰 125 周年活动组委会收藏;


  作品《笃定前行》古意山水小品,作为国礼在《2024 全球外交官迎新晚宴-国际艺术交流》中被谢赫·穆哈马德·夏立克大使珍藏;


  【世界看中国】书画名家-徐志敏抗疫“环球行”! 《人民日报海外版》、《华尔街日报》、《国际日报》、《亚洲电视新闻网》、《中国互联网新闻中心》等媒体同步展播。

  《世界联手,共抗疫情》参加了百位艺术家寄语祝福专题活动。荣获 10 国大使馆颁发“世界联手 共抗疫情”荣誉牌匾!




  《纪念伟大领袖毛泽东主席诞辰 125 周年》应邀参加盛典活动;




  《盛世再启 共印辉煌》应邀参加了中国当代艺术大家献礼两会活动;





  《丽州群英谱》作品,入展由中共永康市委宣传部、永康市文学艺术界联合会主办的“百年风华 奋进永康”永康市庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年主题展;

  《百年辉煌路 启航新征程》,应邀参加由人民网、新华网、央视网、中国经济网、中国网媒体支持的-北京地铁《艺术中国》主题巡展活动;

  《奋斗百年路 启航新征程》作品入编中国国际报告文学研究会、国学文化传承工作委员会《盛世华章 讲好中国故事》大型文献;


  Xu Zhimin: The stage name is Mo Laojiu, whose characters are Zihongand Runzhi, and Taoxi lay man. China traditional art (intangible heritage)inheritor, Jiangnan Shanghai style ancient landscape inheritor, Yiteng. Born in Yongkang, Zhejiang, the hardware capital of China in 1957, helived in Xi 'an, the hometown of Taoxi, a famous philologist in the lateQing Dynasty, Dr. Rong Lu and the former residence of Hu Fengdan in Daotai, Hubei. Born in a scholarly and wealthy family, he is a descendant of Hu Fengdan V.

  Influenced by her grandmother Wang Yongzhi (a student of QiBaishi-Bai Jun) since childhood, she loves painting and has a wide range of hobbies. During the period of going to the countryside, I once set up a portrait booth and traveled in urban and rural areas. He used to be anart teacher of Yongkang No.2 Middle School and a member of theamateur art creation group of Yongkang Cultural Village. Inheritance and research and development of traditional ethnic and folk cultures.

  Currently: Vice Chairman of the Painting and Calligraphy Artists Committee of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong, Macao and Overseas Chinese; Chairman of the Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee of the Chinese Association of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Overseas Chinese in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province; Ambassador for Global Peace and Friendship of the China Overseas Chinese Union;Deputy Secretary-General of Hawaii International Federation of Literary and Art Directors Association; Chinese name signing artist of UnitedNations Ceremony; Member of the Working Committee of Painters and Calligraphers of New Literary Groups of China Federation of Literary andArt Circles; Member of the National Cultural Heritage WorkingCommittee of the International Reportage Research Association;Invigilator of the designated organization for social and artistic level examination of China Culture Promotion Association; Vice Chairman of Suzhou Committee of China Calligraphy and Painting World Federation;Member of China Famous Calligraphy and Painting Database of China Cultural and Artistic Talent Management Center; China reported on"Invited Artists"; Life member of International Celebrity Encyclopedia;Director of China Qi Baishi Art Research Institute, member of the appraisal committee of the works of masters of calligraphy and painting in previous dynasties; Vice Chairman of Shanghai Alliance, Qi Baishi ArtResearch Institute, China; Vice President of Jiangsu Branch of China QiBaishi Art Research Institute and Academician of Jiangsu Branch; VicePresident of Jiamusi Branch of China Qibaishi Art Research Institute; VicePresident of Bitian Guobao Painting and Calligraphy Institute; VicePresident of Hezhe Chamber of Commerce in Jiamusi City; Vice Presidentof Hua Gang Painting and Calligraphy Culture Research Institute;Member of Yongkang Artists Association; Chairman of YongkangMojiuzhai Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Now he lives in Xihu District, Hangzhou.

  His works are reported by China Enterprise Report-China BaijiaFamous Paintings Exhibition, China Power-Special Issue of FamousPaintings and Calligraphy Artists and China Dream-Promoter of Paintingand Calligraphy Art Exhibition.

  Published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles PublishingHouse and supported by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China Artists Association, China Book Association and other large-scaleseries of fine books "Tribute to Classics-Representative of China Paintingand Calligraphy Inheritance";

  And compiled by the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy PublishingHouse, distributed to government agencies, embassies and consulates inChina, art galleries, gallery collection agencies and large bookstores inmore than 100 countries around the world.

  It is also sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and theChinese Academy of Art, and is known as the "leader magazine" and "redwall publication".

  Folk charcoal painting, pyrography, landscape painting, traditionalChinese painting and calligraphy are well received by painting andcalligraphy lovers and collectors at home and abroad:

  The Chinese painting of the work "More than Years" was collected byDirector Jin Zhu of UNESCO Asia-Pacific Liaison Center;

  The folk charcoal painting of the work "Friendship between Chinaand Laos and the two peoples will last forever" was collected by ChenShaogang, the Laos sketch base and chairman of the Laos Committee;

  The Chinese painting of the work "Kowloon Party" is collected by ShiChengxin, the executive deputy secretary-general of the former ChineseDiplomatic Association;

  The Chinese painting of the work "Dragon in the World" is collectedby Li Shanxi, president of the Korean-Chinese Painting and CalligraphyResearch Association;

  The Chinese painting of the work "Dragon Gathering" is collected byProfessor Cui Changyuan of Korea University of Humanities and SocialSciences;

  The Chinese painting "Long Teng Fu Hai" was collected by TaiwanProvince calligraphy master Lin Rongzong;

  The Chinese painting "Journey to the Four Seas" is collected by ChenFuqiang, president of the Global Chinese Association of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Overseas Chinese.

  The Chinese painting of the work "Qing Lian Tu" is collected by theHong Kong Organizing Committee of the China Calligraphy and PaintingWorld Federation;

  The Chinese painting of "Happy House" is collected by ProfessorZheng Runtai of Mokpo Art College in Korea.

  The Chinese painting of the work "Top" is collected by the OrganizingCommittee of China Calligraphy and Painting World Federation;

  The Chinese painting of the work "Shengshi Longteng" is collected byZhan Hongwei, Secretary General of the Global Presidents Association;

  The carbon painting of Qi Baishi was collected by China Qi Baishi ArtResearch Institute.

  The Chinese painting "Happy Family" was collected by President LiuGuifang of Shaoshan Red Culture Research Association;

  The calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting works of the work"World Leaders Glory China" were collected by the OrganizingCommittee for the 125th anniversary of President Mao Zedong's birth.

  The Chinese painting of ink lobster in the work "Hu" was collected byAmbassador moustapha saphariny as a national gift;

  The calligraphy of "Hundred Days of Life" and "Dan Mo TongChun-The First Beijing Hawaii International Painting and CalligraphyExhibition" won the silver prize and were collected by the ParisInternational Art Center for long-term exhibition.

  [The world sees China] A master of calligraphy and painting-XuZhimin's anti-epidemic "global trip"! People's Daily Overseas Edition, TheWall Street Journal, International Daily, Asia Television News Network, China Internet News Center and other media will be broadcastsimultaneously.

  "The World Joins Hands to Fight the Epidemic" participated in aspecial event in which hundreds of artists sent messages of blessing. Won the honorary plaque of "The World Joins Hands to Fight theEpidemic" issued by the embassies of 10 countries!

  The 1st Asian Baijie Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition won the titleof "Asian Baijie Painter";

  "Hua Cui Sheng Fang-World Chinese Art Exhibition" won theExcellence Award;

  "China-Europe the belt and road initiative Painting and CalligraphyGrand Prix" won the gold medal, and was selected into the album"Famous Painting and Calligraphy";

  "Commemorating the 125th anniversary of the birth of the greatleader President Mao Zedong" was invited to participate in the grandceremony;

  The Cultural Auditorium of Taoxi Hometown (Former Residence of HuFengdan), a non-legacy of China, won the contribution award.

  Overseas Exhibition and Broadcasting Project of China's CoreArtists-the first big screen exhibition and broadcast of "Window of theWorld" on NASDAQ in new york, USA;

  "National Ceremony Artist" won the award of contemporary artleader!

  "Prosperity in Prosperity" was invited to participate in the twosessions of China Contemporary Artists' Gifts;

  "A Hundred Years of Painting and Calligraphy of the Party" wasinvited to participate in the publicity activities of People's Online andPeople's Economic Net-China contemporary art masters Fan Dian and XuZhimin;

  "Hawaii International Art Festival"-"Summer Fun of the Lotus Pond" was recommended for selection;

  "Tribute to the Communist Party of China (CPC)'s CentennialBirthday", invited to participate in the publicity activities of "Art Model"in the database of painting and calligraphy masters;

  The works of "Lizhou Qunyingpu" entered the theme exhibition of "Hundred Years of Prosperity and Prosperity in Yongkang" sponsored by

  the Propaganda Department of CPC Yongkang Municipal Committee andYongkang Federation of Literary and Art Circles to celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

  "A Hundred Years of Brilliant Road Set sail for a New Journey", invitedto participate in the theme tour of "Art China" of Beijing Metrosupported by People's Daily, Xinhua, CCTV, China Economic Net andChina Net;

  The work "Struggle for a Hundred Years and Set sail for a NewJourney" was compiled into the large-scale document "ShengshiHuazhang Tells the Story of China" by China International ReportageResearch Association and the National Cultural Heritage WorkingCommittee;

  International Celebrity Encyclopedia, Baidu Encyclopedia, Fine ArtsEncyclopedia, Celebrity Dictionary, People's Political ConsultativeConference Network, Chinese Talents, and Chinese Calligraphers' Committee have settled in official website permanently!




















< 前一个:王焕明——中国投资界鼎力推荐艺术名家
> 后一个:享受特殊津贴专家:宋子舜
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