梁星华,1958 年 6 月生,福建省上杭县人,研究生学历,大校军衔,中共党员班研究生学历,专业技术四级,先后历任战士,班长,排长,连长,股长,科长,处长,军分区司令员。
1979 年 2 月至 1986 年 4 月先后参加中越边境自卫反击作战,炮击战和拔点作战。
2009 年 4 月书法作品在“和谐颂”第一届中国艺术家诗书画作品邀请赛活动中,荣获金奖。
2009 年 7 月 5 日 書法 作品在《第六届盛世中華杯中國美術書法作品大賽》中, 經組委會、評委會嚴格審核,榮獲 中青 组、金獎,并授予“中華書畫藝術精英”稱號。
2009 年 7 月 26 日书画作品参加由中共呼和浩特市委、呼和浩特市人民政府主办的中国·呼和浩特第十届昭君文化节系列活动“第十二届当代书画家作品邀请展”,荣获成年组银奖,作品编入《第十二届当代书画家展出作品集》,于二 00 九年七月二十六日在内蒙古美术馆隆重展出。
2013 年 1 月两幅作品在参加“中美国际艺术交流名家名作展”活动中成功入围,并在纽约展出。作品非常优秀,被评为“金奖”,主办单位特授予您“中美艺术交流使者”荣誉称号!
2020 年 8 月 22 日经广东省教育系统关心下一代工作委员会研究决定聘请您担任“美好生活,劳动创造”广东青少年书画活动书法类评委会委员。
2024 年 7 月 31 日软笔作品在第十二届全国规范汉字书写大会活动中荣获一等奖。
Liang Xinghua, born in June 1958, is from ShanghangCounty, Fujian Province. He holds a master's degree and therank of colonel. He also holds a master's degree in theCommunist Party of China's member class and holds the fourthlevel of professional and technical expertise. He has served as asoldier, squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, section chief, section chief, and military district commander.
From February 1979 to April 1986, he participated in theSino Vietnamese border self-defense counterattack, artilleryfire, and guerrilla warfare.
Member of the Chinese Calligraphers and PaintersAssociation, member of the Chinese Couplets Association, andmember of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association. I havehad a passion for calligraphy art since I was young, and havebeen studying calligraphy for nearly thirty years. I haveparticipated in calligraphy studies at Guangdong University forthe Middle aged and Elderly for over ten years and have wonnumerous awards for my calligraphy works.
In April 2009, the calligraphy works won the gold medal inthe first Chinese Artist Poetry, Calligraphy and PaintingInvitation Competition of "Ode to Harmony".
On July 5, 2009, the calligraphy works were awarded thetitle of "Elite of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art" in the"6th Shengshi Zhonghua Cup National Art Calligraphy WorksCompetition" after strict review by the organizing committeeand the judging panel, and were awarded the "China YouthGroup" and "Gold Award".
On July 26, 2009, the calligraphy and painting worksparticipated in the "12th Contemporary Calligraphers andPainters Invitation Exhibition" series of activities organized bythe Communist Party of China Hohhot Municipal Committeeand Hohhot Municipal People's Government at the 10thZhaojun Cultural Festival in Hohhot, China. They won the silveraward in the adult category and were included in the "12thContemporary Calligraphers and Painters Exhibition WorksCollection". They were grandly exhibited at the Inner MongoliaArt Museum on July 26, 2009.
In January 2013, two works were successfully selected forthe "China US International Art Exchange Famous WorksExhibition" and exhibited in New York. The work is excellent andhas been awarded the "Gold Award". The organizer herebygrants you the honorary title of "China US Art ExchangeAmbassador"!
On August 22, 2020, the Guangdong Provincial EducationSystem Care for the Next Generation Working Committeedecided to hire you as a member of the calligraphy evaluationcommittee for the "Beautiful Life, Labor Creation" GuangdongYouth Calligraphy and Painting Activity.
On July 31, 2024, the soft pen work won the first prize atthe 12th National Standard Chinese Character WritingConference.